Welcome to the hypertext homepage for Hanover College. You will find general Hanover College information and campus pictures on this document. If you are one of our , check out the Alumni section of this web page. CLICK HERE to go directly to the Alumni Web Page. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me.
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Keith Fowlkes, Director
Hanover College Main Gopher Server
Connect to the Hanover College Online Library Catalog (via telnet)
Career Center
Hanover College Psychology Department
(maintained by
Hanover College Psychology Dept.) American Psychological Society
Hanover College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex age, national and ethnic origin, or on the basis of physical handicaps in its admissions and educational policies, student financial-aid programs and other programs.
Students who apply should plan to complete a four-year program at Hanover and should have demonstrated in their high school years that they can successfully handle the broad range of academic work, which will be required of them in college
In addition to being ranked #1 among private, liberal arts colleges, Hanover College was ranked #6 in the nation among all colleges and universities in Money Magazine's "Best College Buys" for 1994-95.
Click HERE for a brief historical overview of Hanover College
The Hanover College Academic Computer Network is a fiber-optics data system connecting all academic and administrative buildings. The data network also offers dial-in SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) and terminal access to all students, faculty and staff.
[RETURN to Contents]
Information Week Magazine "Interactive"
Computer Business News from EduPage
PAWWS: Portfolio Accounting World Wide (from Security APL)
The CAUSE World Wide Web Server
Virtual Tourist World Wide Web Sites Map
Virtual Tourist Indiana WWW Sites Map
Software Dot Net (Internet software store)
"In the beginning there was the ARPAnet, a wide area experimental network connecting hosts and terminal servers together. Procedures were set up to regulate the allocation of addresses and to create voluntary standards for the network. As local area networks became more pervasive, many hosts became gateways to local networks. A network layer to allow the interoperation of these networks was developed and called IP (Internet Protocol). Over time other groups created long haul IP based networks (NASA, NSF, states...). These nets, too, inter-operate because of IP. The collection of all of these interoperating networks is the Internet. " -- Paul Jones, Office for Information Technology, University of North Carolina
"Finding Email Addresses Tip"
To find someone's Email address on campus, use finger. To find an
user's Email address, send a mail message to
Send this message with no subject line with this syntax in the message
"send usenet-addresses/name"
where name is the person you want to find.