(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Welcome to the Harvey Mudd WWW server!
The primary purpose of this server is to provide information, resources,
and services to the members of the Harvey
Mudd community; more specifically, resources suited to computer
presentation. In many cases, the services provided to local users are of a
general interest and so members of the Internet community at large are
welcome to utilize any of the resources found on this server.
Since this server grew extremely rapidly and continues to grow, it is likely
that there are some errors contained within. In the case that you discover
a problem, it would be appreciated if you would
send a bug report to General comments on
the structure and content are also welcome.
Thank you for your interest.
Information Resources
Other resources hosted by HMC
Last updated on Sep 3 1994 at 16:44
Jared Rhine