hide random home screenshot http://www.hypercomp.ns.ca/vaughan.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Vaughan Engineering Associates

-port of Halifax

- Vaughan is a consulting group using technology and information management to provide leading edge solutions to our clients' needs.

- Our current lines of business are engineering, geomatics, computer graphics, and environmental and management consulting.

- Our corporate office is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, a busy Eastern Canadian seaport.

Vaughan Associates and Partners

- Advanced Composite Materials
- Computer Graphics

Halifax Office

1801 Hollis St., Suite 1600
P.O. Box 2045, Stn. M.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2Z1
Phone: (902) 425-3980
Fax: (902) 423-7593

Created by pixelMotion images inc. -web@hyperomp.ns.ca