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The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5

Babylon 5 returns to Channel 7 in Australia on June 20.

This Week's Episode

Welcome to the Lurker's Guide, a hypermedia companion to the Babylon 5 science-fiction television series.

If you're unfamiliar with the show, you can start by reading about the Babylon 5 universe and characters. That page has a lot of inlined images.

For schedules, synopses, and so forth, you can read the hypertext episode list.

Or, if you're interested in the people and events behind the scenes, try reading about the making of Babylon 5. Information about B5-related merchandise can be found there too.

In addition to this Guide, there are several other sources of information on Babylon 5.

See Also: [What's New] - [Table of Contents] - [About the Guide] - [FTP archives] - [Hyperion]

Last update: May 21, 1995
Maintained by Steven Grimm <koreth@hyperion.com>.
Send mail if you have comments or suggestions.