(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Anytime you see
at the top of one of my WWW pages,
you can click on it to return to this page.
My home pages have been getting an unseasonably large amount of traffic;
I haven't advertised them for months. Yet,
somehow, my home page got listed on the
Homepages of the wURLd
as the Homepage Of The Week for April 16th, 1995. Gawrsh.
Send a comment to Larry
Please, send me your comments! I'd love to hear from you about anything
you see here.
Personal contributions to the WWW:
My personal fortune database. I started it in 1986, and since then have
assembled over 1600 hand-picked fortunes. Topics range the entire gamut
of human endeavors, usually with a joke in there somewhere.
The Hastings,_Larry IUMA home page (with links to "Ebullient")
IUMA stands for Internet Underground Music Archive. It's an ftp/www site
with whole songs digitized (recorded for playback by a computer) and
available for playing. I've contributed a song of mine to IUMA's archive,
"Ebullient", and this link will take you to my homepage there... which
describes my music in general, and "Ebullient" specifically.
The Funkopolis Image Gallery
A gallery of the art I've done for the web, and appropriate credits.
The Funkopolis Hotlist
More for my convenience than anything else, but made presentable
for public consumption.
Funkopolis / Larry Hastings /