The PHSS Project

Setting the Standard for the Sharing of the Patient Record

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The Population Health Summary System (PHSS) is being developed through consultation with potential users and other interested parties from the Welsh NHS. It will consist of two parts:

The National Health Service Administrative Register (AR) - a register of names, addresses and simple demographic data for the population, embodying the national administrative data set standard (CADS), which is currently being piloted for the whole poulation in Wales and in five other sites in England.

The Personal Health Summary (PHS) - which will establish a standard for the creation of a database of summarised clinical information relating to the health career of each member of the population. This information will be collected in the normal course of clinical work by all healthcare practitioners. It will then be made available, through computer links, to other authorised healthcare practitioners to enable effective seamless care to be given to each patient throughout their life. Confidentiality will be preserved through control of access to the data at all stages of the process.

The summarised information will then be used, in an anonymised form, to support healthcare planning and epidemiological study.

The PHSS is being tested in a small number of pilot sites in Wales. Each site covers a population of between 20,000-50,000 residents.


Pilot Sites

The PHSS pilot sites are Mid Glamorgan and South Glamorgan