(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Digital Data Express, Inc.
Internet Made Simple is a complete package of introduction to the
Internet - including a video, a workbook, beginners guide software,
NetCruiser navigation software, Internet publications, unlimited
technical support etc.
If you are just getting on to the 'Net, or know someone who would like
to get started on it - Internet Made Simple provides an easy, turnkey
The World Wide Web Yellow Pages is a comprehensive directory of the
vast resources of the Web. This is an invaluable reference for
neophyte and net-veteran alike.
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Digital Data Express, Inc.
4320 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 190
San Jose, CA 95129
TEL: 408 249 9703, Toll Free 800 335 5327
FAX: 408 249 9708