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Illuminati: New World Order
Elvis Amuses The Last National Bank For The Shiftless Oar.
INWO Book Hits Stores!
German INWO Edition Released!
Film at 11!

INWO is the trading-card version of Illuminati, the original game of conspiracy and weirdness. The latest INWO release is The INWO Book, a collection of strategy tips, hints, lies, nonsense, and complete full-color spoiler list with card illustrations.

INWO is sold in Starter Sets (two 55-card decks, $9.95) and Booster Packs (16 cards per pack in the Unlimited Edition; $2.25). The Factory Set is $70. (All prices are in US $.)

What's New With the Illuminati

June 8, 1995

The German edition of INWO has been released. SJ Games will have copies for sale by direct mail -- until we run out, that is -- but please don't try to order yet. We'll post an announcement soon.

June 5, 1995

The INWO Book is out!

May 4

A trading card game about the net? Stranger things have happened. Read Usenet: The Flaming.

May 2

Wendell Hicken has created a Web page that will create a personalized card listing sorted and filtered to fit your specifications. Give it a try!

Upcoming Releases

INWO Support

This file area is updated regularly. Here's what you can read right now:

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Steve Jackson Games <sjgames@io.com>--last modified 95.Jun.08