hide random home screenshot http://www.ip.net/i95/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Internet '95: Future Technology, Business and the Web.
Internet '95: Future Technology, Business, and the Web

October 4th, 5th and 6th, 1995
Norfolk Marriott Waterside Hotel

Norfolk, Virginia

Sponsored by:

Internet Presence & Publishing

Internet '95 will be held on October 4, 5, and 6, 1995 at the Norfolk Waterside Marriot in Norfolk, Virginia. The conference will host approximately 90 exhibitors and a projected audience of 6,000 attendees.

Internet '95 Connectivity Provided By:
MCI and Cisco Systems

Workstations at the Conference Computer Center provided by:
Hewlett Packard

The theme of Internet '95 will be Future Technology, Business, and the Web. To supplement this theme, Internet '95 will feature the following individuals as keynote speakers: If you are interested in attending, exhibiting, or participating in this year's Internet '95 conference, contact us for more information!

Call For Participants:

If you are interested in presenting a panel discussion at this conference, select this link.

The Internet '95 Web site is hosted by Internet Presence & Publishing which specializes in World Wide Web application development, high-bandwidth Internet connectivity and vertical Internet integration services.

I95 Overview| Exhibition Booths| Reservations| Agenda| Contact Info