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"Every image, every media message...is a test." -- Jean Baudrillard

Hidden Water is dedicated to the promotion and positive representation of independent artists, especially independent musicans. As a company, we represent artists in all aspects of promoting their craft, from graphic design to hounding radio stations to setting up tours. One of our favorite labels to help promote is the independent Daemon Records, whose owner said that she started Daemon "to combat the forces of the corporate world." Such is the desire of Hidden Water -- between you, the consumer, and we, the promoters, all the great art and music that gets lost because it doesn't "fit" into the mainstream, whatever that is, will hopefully be found here. We will either present this information to you ourselves, or provide clear links to it, but one way or another, we hope you find it. Remember, go bug your local record stores, call your radio stations, and go out and support independent artists!

Disclaimer for all users of this site -- Please Read

Hidden Water's Artists and Recordings...

Hidden Water's Venues...

Hidden Water's Businesses and Organizations
Humanities Resources on the World Wide Web, supported by Hidden Water:
Some Music Indices and Publications on the WWW
Feedback? Ideas? If your browser supports forms, please go to our comments form and send a message. If you cannot view forms, e-mail either dmon@hidwater.com or shade@hidwater.com.

Copyright 1995 Hidden Water

WWW server provided by IPAC, San Jose CA