"These are the people who really understand the Internet from top to bottom, inside and out, and who can communicate the concepts to executives." -- Dan Lynch, Founder, Interop
Learn how to make the most out of the Internet to improve your business. International Internet experts explain how you can use the Internet as a business "tool," not just a technology.
This symposium offers executives an intriguing and realistic examination of all aspects of doing business on the Internet and of opportunities for expanding distribution channels and product lines.
The formulation of their corporate "Internet strategy", the
challenges and obstacles, the experience and "lessons learned",
the results, and their outlook for the future
The challenge of "selling" a new business on the Internet. The
attitudes of golf retailers, "paper" golf magazines, the
competition, the readers, the fans. Find out what works and
does not work and the path to profitability.
The "big picture" -- get a solid foundation in the Internet and its
market potential. Learn how to separate Internet "fact from fiction,"
the media hype from the business reality.
on the Internet, including "digital cash," Internet banking, and
Electronic Data Interchange.
issues -- privacy, intellectual property laws, contracting, and
-- protecting your business and company resources from security
of Internet access within your company -- here's what some companies
have done and what it cost them.
and sales -- who buys products and services on the Internet?
Business and Employee Policy for the Internet -- anticipating the new challenges and planning for successful outcomes
Internet's future -- current issues and their impact on your business
and business worldwide.
will demonstrate their points in a real world networked environment
directly connected to the Internet.
"Internet Primer" program the evening before. Get introduced to the
concepts and terminology and try it out for yourself. You will walk
away from this seminar with hands-on Internet experience.
Register today to learn the key principles for capitalizing on the Internet and for formulating an intelligent and effective Internet strategy. Participation is limited.
Karl Auerbach -- one of the original architects of the Internet (since 1972), Karl has edited several papers and standards documents used in the Internet Engineering Task Force. A founder of two start-up companies, Karl also designed Dr. Watson, the Network Detective's Assistant, LAN Magazine's 1994 Product of the Year. Karl is an attorney and member of the California Bar.
David H. Crocker-- David wrote the current Internet standard for electronic mail header formats and was a director and principal architect for MCI Mail. Mr. Crocker has worked at a number of Silicon Valley companies, producing TCP/IP, OSI, and network management products. He is now a principal with Brandenburg Consulting, providing strategic assistance in business, marketing and technical planning and design. He continues technical involvement in Internet standards activities for transport services, electronic mail and electronic commerce.
Frank Heinrich-- Principal Engineer, SSDS, Inc. Frank architected and guided several early TCP/IP network product implementations that contributed to the growth of the Internet. He has most recently been working on architecture and integration activities in support of specific network projects, including a effort that brought TCP/IP networks and Internet connectivity to the jungles of New Guinea. SSDS assists government and commercial organizations in planning, designing, implementing and managing information infrastructures in an evolving Open Systems world.
Peter J.L. de Vries-- Peter has installed military network sites, and designed and implemented networks for many trade shows. He has published several articles on various networking topics, and enjoys teaching networking concepts. He also enjoys thinking up (and hearing about) unusual things to do with networking and the Internet.
Tracy LaQuey Parker. Tracy is the well-known author of The Internet Companion--A Beginner's Guide to Global Networking and The User's Directory of Computer Networks. Tracy is currently part of the business development team at Cisco, and was formerly a network information specialist at the University of Texas System Office of Telecommunications Services. She is a pioneer member of the Internet Society.
Marshall T. Rose-- Marshall is Principal at Dover Beach consulting, a network communications consultancy, and one of the founders of First Virtual Holdings, Inc. Marshall lives with internetworking technologies, such as TCP/IP, network management, and internet commerce, as a theorist, implementor, and agent provocateur. He is the author of several professional texts on Internet Management, Electronic Mail, Open Systems Interconnection, and Directory Services. Rose received the Ph.D. degree in Information and Computer Science from the University of California, Irvine.
Chris Wellens--Chris is the CEO of InterWorking Labs, producer of the Internet for Executives Symposium Series. InterWorking Labs provides Internet business and marketing consulting and Internet product testing services. Chris held several management positions in engineering and product marketing at Sun Microsystems, including the NFS, SBus, and SPARCstation products and programs. She has a B.A. from Wellesley College and a Master of Science from the University of Southern California.
CALL 1.800.459.9817 or 1.408.459.9817
FAX the completed registration form to InterWorking Labs at
408.459.9768, 24 hours a day.
MAIL the completed registration form to:
InterWorking Labs, Inc.
218 Carbonera Drive, Suite 102
Santa Cruz, CA 95060-1500
Please enroll me for:
_____Monterey Marriott June 19 & 20, 1995
Mail completed form with payment information to:
InterWorking Labs, Inc.
218 Carbonera Drive, Suite 102
Santa Cruz, CA 95060-1500
Tel: 1 408 459 9817
Fax: 1 408 459 9768
June 19 & 20, 1995 and September 14 & 15, 1995
Monterey Mariott
350 Calle Principal at Del Monte Blvd.
Monterey, CA 93940
Tel: 1 408 649 4234; Fax: 1 408 375 4313
Reservations: 1 800 892 4789 or 1 408 647 4000
Special Hotel Room Rates for Internet for Executives attendees:
19 & 20, 1995
$115 per night, single/double
14 & 15, 1995
$119 per night, single/double
Most major airlines fly into the Monterey airport. The Monterey Marriott provides a shuttle service to and from the airport.
Please send e-mail to chrisw@iwl.com