hide random home screenshot http://www.kiae.su/www/wtr/kremlin/begin.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Moscow Kremlin On-line Excursion

Welcome to the Moscow Kremlin! This excursion was organised jointly by State Museums of the Moscow Kremlin, COMINFO Ltd. and Relcom Corp. All rights are reserved, on-line access only. Please, do not, I repeat, do not save or download the materials of the excursion to your disk or other media.

Begin the excursion Alternatively, use Index to find a particular place.

The materials which are on display here are the part of the on-going project to put Moscow Kremlin on CD-ROM. That's why so many "copyright notices" here. Several sections are already available on floppy disks, they include true color images, historical texts (6 languages support), video fragments, sound effects and speech. We are working to make this available on-line.

As to the acquring and using of the Moscow Kremlin floppies (as well as on other occasions -- e.g., to thank for this expo :) contact please:

Please refer to "Window-to-Russia" WWW server as the source.

(C) WWW presentation by Eugene Peskin

(C) State Museums of the Moscow Kremlin

(C) 1994, Cominfo Ltd. All rights reserved