hide random home screenshot http://www.klab.caltech.edu/~flowers/jayhawk/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)


This is an archive of the Jayhawk series by Mary K. Kuhner. The story is serialized in 144 parts; the individual stories are stored in the order that she posted them to the net (with the exception of the story background, which is an explanatory piece posted part way through the story to help bring new readers up to date).

  1. Aliantha
  2. SPU B4/732
  3. Farewells
  4. Julia
  5. Lefty
  6. Forest
  7. Martha
  8. Doc
  9. Gates
  10. Chalker
  11. Prayer
  12. Slim
  13. Spider
  14. Exercise
  15. Inside
  16. Bikes
  17. Darkness
  18. Matrix
  19. Dreams
  20. Ghosts
  21. Charlotte
  22. Storm
  23. Package
  24. Honor
  25. Decision
  26. Key
  27. Door
  28. Reunion
  29. Marianne
  30. Bandit
  31. Daemon
  32. Nodes
  33. System
  34. Experiment
  35. Dragon
  36. Caroline
  37. Lost
  38. Search
  39. Ares
  40. Parting
  41. Visitor
  42. Gift
  43. Piebald
  44. Yoichi
  45. Osiris
  46. Gregor
  47. Michael
  48. Intruder
  49. Conquest
  50. Angela
  51. Collapse
  52. Stasis
  53. Persuasion
  54. Dart
  55. Wheel
  56. Water
  57. Islands
  58. Hawk
  59. Death
  60. Flight
  61. Manifestation
  62. Bridges
  63. Minerva
  64. Megan
  65. Background
  66. Lightning
  67. Egg
  68. Anubis
  69. Message
  70. Investigation
  71. Temptation
  72. Night
  73. Crow
  74. Mark
  75. Memory
  76. Dissolution
  77. Wave
  78. Union
  79. Silver
  80. Reflection
  81. Software
  82. Records
  83. Bargain
  84. Orrery
  85. Repairs
  86. Dust
  87. Congo
  88. Lion
  89. Fortress
  90. Responsibility
  91. Johannesburg
  92. Argentina
  93. Envy
  94. Preparation
  95. Turing
  96. Avery
  97. Kraken
  98. Void
  99. Flaw
  100. Fall
  101. Interview
  102. Offer
  103. Leavetaking
  104. Rescue
  105. Return
  106. Vision
  107. Letter
  108. Reasons
  109. Sword
  110. Weasel
  111. Summoning
  112. Stranger
  113. Marsh
  114. Journey
  115. Hummingbird
  116. Amnesia
  117. Ascent
  118. Image
  119. Construct
  120. Pyramid
  121. Collapse
  122. Possession
  123. Watch
  124. Talons
  125. Alamin
  126. Djinn
  127. Netherworld
  128. Ruins
  129. Debt
  130. Dam
  131. Fly
  132. Shadows
  133. Tombstone
  134. Knight
  135. Charnal
  136. Betrayal
  137. Failure
  138. Choice
  139. Overnet
  140. Change
  141. Forgiveness
  142. Garden
  143. Susan
  144. Beginnings

The series was converted to html by Dave Flowers, who also cleaned up bits and pieces. Any mistakes are his. (Oh, that's right, blame it all on me.) If you have any changes or improvements that you'd like to see, or if you find any mistakes, please send email to dflowers@caltech.edu. Also, here are the original text files, if you want them.

The Jayhawk series is Copyright 1991, 1992 Mary K. Kuhner