(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Access Media Home Page
Access Media
Program Access Services for People with Disabilities
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the start of a fire"
...William Butler Yeats
With the advent of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990,
employers, schools, government agencies in all their many activities,
programs and services, were required to provide not only architectural
access to their premises, but also to provide for alternative aids and
services for people too long excluded from jobs, education and training
by vision and hearing impairments, and print, learning and cognitive
Access Media is a Non-Profit organization that works to fulfull the
potential of millions of Americans
by providing a source for the acquisition of important documents in a
form useful to them. To this end we provide the following:
- An aid to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other
access requirements for Business, Schools, Government and Social Service
Agency programs, activities and services since 1988
- Alternative Media formats for your Minutes, Information Packets and
Brochures in accordance with the ADA
- Transcription of Announcements, Agendas, Meeting Topics
- Fast turn-around time for cost-effective compliance with ADA regulations.
- How To provide safer space for people with environmental Illness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (EI/MCS)
- Snail :Access Media
- 3702 High Street
- Oakland, California 94619
- Voice/TTY/Fax :(510) 530-6213
- Access Media is Sponsored by The Human Factor
- Last Updated 8/1/94 by sdd