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LaSalle University Home Page

LaSalle University Home Page

Welcome to the LaSalle University Home Page for the World Wide Web.

From this page you can access any form of information about LaSalle University, including course catalogs, departmental information, and campus maps.

To access any of the following areas, click on the appropriate link:

This server is maintained by LaSalle's Department Of Academic Computing And Technology; for more information about these wonderful people, click here .

This server is based on documents written in the hypertext mark-up language (HTML). When you see a phrase or word that is either highlighted (for most text-based browsers) or colored (for graphical browsers such as Mosaic), simply select that link to follow it. For more information on the WWW, html, or web-browsing software, send mail to: webadmin@info.lasalle.edu.

To access The LaSalle University Information Service's GN Gopher Server, click here .

For some interesting web links, including cybernet and the ncsa mosaic home page, click here.