hide random home screenshot http://www.llnl.gov/PAO/lab_news.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

The Lab in the News

What's New

Tarter's Congressional Testimonies

Director Tarter has testified before both the Senate and the House of Representatives regarding the DOE's Budget Request for FY 1996.

May 16, 1995 to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

March 29, 1995 to the House of Representatives National Security Committee.

Galvin Report

Task Force on Alternative Futures for the Department of Energy National Laboratories (Galvin Report)

Response to the Galvin Report by LLNL Director Bruce Tarter

Recent News Releases

Selected Newsline Articles

Newsline is the twice-weekly newspaper published for Laboratory employees. Stories posted here-usually two per issue- are those that would most interest external audiences.

Search Newsline Articles

LabSOURCE Newsletter

LabSOURCE is a periodic newsletter produced by the University of California. It provides news and information on UC's management of three DOE laboratories -- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory -- and news highlights from the laboratories themselves.

UC Newswire

A University of California news release and photo resource with information from the UC-managed laboratories, all UC campuses and divisions.

Visuals of Special Interest

Clementine Satellite Moon Images

Jupiter/Comet Shoemaker-Levy collision pictures

This hypertext link provides pictures and text from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's computer-enhanced "speckle imagery" of the collision between the Shoemaker-Levy comet and the planet Jupiter. These pictures will be updated daily between July 16 and the end of the collision period several days later.

For more information on the Public Affairs Office, contact:
( garberson1@llnl.gov) -- Jeff Garberson

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