This mall is an experiment in regional information exchange. We will be bringing as many organizations as possible to this central hub of advertising. If you have any ideas for businesses or organizations that would like to lease space in this mall, or if you wish to lease space, please contact Flatland. We will gladly discuss any and all questions you have.
This experiment requires feedback, both to Flatland, and to the advertisers in Virtually Everything. If you have enjoyed what you've seen here and are visiting one of the organizations, please mention to the advertisers that you have seen their spot on the Internet.
Virtually Everything is
NETSCAPE-ENHANCED. For more information on Netscape, and for current news about Virtually Everything, check
in here. Last updated February 12th, 1995.
A few people have suggested I post a faq on advertising in Virtually Everything. It is indeed a very good idea.
The Kidney Foundation of Canada.