hide random home screenshot http://www.mdalink.com/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

A service of Management Development Associates
Integrity Excellence Effectiveness

Management Development Associates (MDA) is committed to service churches, missions groups, and parachurch organizations in seeing their visions become realities through in-depth research, cutting edge technology and looking to the bottom line of raising resources and accomplishing projects to share God's love and forgiveness around the world.

We have a cumulative experience of over 100 years in the non-profit marketplace and have worked with well over 350 organizations in the US and overseas.

We specialize in major donor consulting, creation, and implementation of direct mail, TV, and interactive technology to raise funds and provide resources.

Our primary client for the past nine years has experienced 10 to 15% growth each year and now has an income of over $200,000,000 in cash donations.

We are pioneering the Internet, and are dedicated to excellence. We have a Sun Microsystems SPARC Station, Media100 non-linear video editing system, and a Silicon Graphics Indigo^2, to give our clients the best performance possible. We are also using the Netscape Commerce Server.

The JESUS Film Project is our first client on the Internet but we have many more to come.

If you are interested in having your organization on the Internet please send email to mda-info@mdalink.com and you will receive a return call in 24 hours.
