(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Institut für Meteorologie
der Freien Universität Berlin
This is a (incomplete) collection of conferences related
to meteorology or other
geophysical disciplines. The dates are generally taken from the bulletin of the
German Meteorological Society (DMG) and the bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society. The AMS operates a gopher server where you can find
more Calls for Papers.
If you want to have your conference
included here or if you know of a conference not listed here yet please use
the announcement document. In case that
your WWW browser cannot handle forms or if you want to learn more about a
particular conference,
please send email to .
If you read this document regularly you may also wish to check out
new entries only.
Wenn Sie dieses Document regelmäßig lesen, dann möchten
Sie vielleicht nur die Neueinträge anschauen.
Dies ist eine (unvollständige) Sammlung von Konferenzen im Bereich
der Meteorologie oder anderer verwandter geophysikalischer Disziplinen.
Die Daten sind im allgemeinen den Mitteilungen der Deutschen Meteorologischen
Gesellschaft und denen der Amerikanischen Meterologischen Gesellschaft (AMS)
entnommen. Die AMS hat einen eigenen Gopher Server, auf dem
weitere Calls for Papers zu
finden sind.
Wenn auch ihre Tagung hier eingebunden werden soll oder Sie von einer
Konferenz wissen, die hier noch nicht aufgelistet ist, so benutzen Sie
bitte unsere Ankündigungsseite.
Für den Fall, daß ihre WWW Software nicht weiß, wie man mit
Forms umgeht oder Sie mehr
über eine hier genannte Konferenz erfahren wollen, schicken
Sie bitte eine email an
Last modified: Friday, 07-Apr-95 22:39:26 UTC
Next regular update: Mid May
Contents / Inhalt
- 18.-21.
- ANS Fifth Topical Meeting on Emergency Preparedness
and Response in Savannah,GA/USA
- 24.-27.
- LOICZ Open Science Meeting in
Quezon City/Philippines
- 24.-28.
- 21st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical
Meteorology in Miami,FL/USA (
for Papers)
May / Mai
- 1.-12.
- NATO ASI on: Remote Sensing of Processes Governing
Energy and Water Cycles in the Climate System in Ploen/Germany
2.-5. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongreß
Geotechnica 1995 in Cologne/Germany
11.-12. 44th Annual Meeting of the Weather Modification
Association in Tamarron,CO/USA
22.-26. WMO International Conference on Meteorological
and Hydrological Technology and its Management
in Geneva/Switzerland
22.-26. International Global Energy and Water Cycle
Experiment (GEWEX) Workshop on Cold-Season/Region Hydrometeorology
in Banff,Alberta/Canada
24.-28. 11. Studentische Meteorologentagung (StuMeTa) 1995
in Mainz/Germany (Einladung)
29.5.-2.6. 29th Annual Congress of the Canadian
Meteorological and Oceanographic Society in Kelowna,BC/Canada
Mountain Area/USA
June / Juni
- 5.-9.
- 10th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic
Waves and Stability in Big Sky,Montana/USA
- 5.-12.
- The Pacific Science Association Eighteenth
Congress in Beijing/China
- 7.-9.
- International Conference on Scientific and Regulatory
Aspects of Air Quality Management in St. Petersburg/Russia
- 11.-14.
- Second Workshop on Nonstationary Random Processes
and Their Application in San Diego,CA/USA
- 14.-16.
- Fifth International Conference on Precipitation:
Space-Time Variability and Dynamics on Crete/Greece
- 18.-23.
- Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Agricultural Engineers in Chicago,IL/USA
- 19.-23.
- Sixth International Meeting on Statistical
Climatology in Galway/Ireland
Call for Papers)
20.-23. 48th Canadian Water Resources Association Conference
in Fredericton,NB/Canada
July / Juli
- 2.-14.
- International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
XXI General Assembly in Boulder,CO/USA
- 16.-21.
- Seventh Conference on Mountain
Meteorology Breckenridge,CO/USA
- 17.-21.
- CALMet '95, Computer Aided Learning in
Meteorology in Toulouse/France
- 20.-22.
- International Symposium on Environment and
Biometeorology in Beijing/China
- 24.-27.
- Third International Symposium on Air-Water-Gas
Transfer in Heidelberg/Germany
- 24.-28.
- WMO Symposium on Eductaion and Training
- Curriculum in Toulouse/France
- 3.-10.
- Internationaler Kongress der Internationaler
Quartärverteilung (INQUA) in Berlin/Germany
- 5.-12.
- IAPSO XXI General Assembly in
- 13.-27.
- Workshop, Field Experiment, Excursion -
Climatology and Air Pollution in Mendoza/Argentinia
- 28.8.-1.9.
- 22nd European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods in Helsinki/Finland (
Call for Papers)
- 4.-8.
- 3rd International Conference on Modelling of
Global Climate Change and Variability in Hamburg/Germany
- 11.-14.
- Deutsche Meteorologentagung DMT'95
in Munich/Germany
- 13.-15.
- Fourth US/Canada Workshop on Great Lakes
Operational Meteorology in Syracuse,NY/USA
- 18.-22.
- Third Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing
for Marine and Coastal Environments in Seattle,WA/USA
- 19.-22.
- Fourth NWS National Workshop on Winter Weather
Forecasting in Kansas City,MO/USA
- 22.-23.
- Global change and the Irish Environment
St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, Ireland
- 25.-29.
- Second European Conference on
Application of Meteorology in Toulouse/France
- 25.-29.
- 1st GAIM Science Conference in
Garmisch-Partenkirchen/Germany (
Call for Papers)
27.-29. Bushfire '95, Australian Bushfire Conference
in Hobart,Tasmania/Australia (more
- 9.-13.
- 27th Conference on Radar Meteorology in Vail,CO/USA
- 10.-14.
5th International Conference on Paleooceanography in Halifax, Nova Scotia/Canada (
Call for Papers)
23.-25. International Conference on CFC and Halon Alternatives in Washington,DC/USA
23.-27. International Workshop on Limited-Area
and Variable Resolution Models in Beijing/China
exact date unknown Second International Conference of the African Meteorological Society in Pretoria/South Africa
Rest of 1995 / Rest von 1995
- 6.11.-10.11.
- 21st International Technical Meeting on Air
Pollution Modelling and Its Application in Baltimore,MD/USA
- 27.11.-30.11.
- MODSIM95, International Congress on
Modelling and Simulation in Newcastle,NSW/Australia
Call for Papers)
5.12.-9.12. International Conference for Arctic Research
Planning in Hanover/NH,USA
- 4.1.-8.1.
- CONSERV96 Conference and Exposition
in Orlando,FL/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- 76th AMS Annual Meeting in
- 28.1.-2.2.
- 12th International Conference on Interactive
Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography,
and Hydrology in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- Ninth Joint Conference on the Applications
of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air and Waste Management
Association (AWMA) in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- 8th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and
Oceanography in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- 7th Symposium on Global Change Studies
in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- 5th Symposium on Education
in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- 12th Conference on Biometeorology and
Aerobiology in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- 22nd Conference on Agricultural and Forest
Meteorology in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- Symposium on Planned and Inadvertent Weather
Modification in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- Symposium on Environmental Applications
in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- Symposium on the Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land
System (GOALS) in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- Conference on Air-Sea Interaction
in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- Conference on Meteorology and Oceanography
of the Coastal Zone in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 28.1.-2.2.
- Conference on Coastal Oceanic and
Atmospheric Prediction in Atlanta,GA/USA
- 19.2.-23.2.
- 18th Conference on Severe Local
Storms in San Francisco,CA/USA
- 19.2.-23.2.
- 13th Conference on Probability and
Statistics in San Francisco,CA/USA
- 23.7.-26.7.
- 4th International Conference on School and
Popular Meteorology Education in Edinburgh,Scotland/UK
Call for Papers)
Summer 25th Conference on Broadcast Meteorology
in Boston,MA/USA
Summer 15th Conference on Weather Analysis and
Forecasting at the East Coast/USA
Summer 11th Conference on Numerical Weather
Prediction at the East Coast/USA
Summer 10th Conference on Applied Climatology
at the East Coast/USA
9.9.-13.9. Seventh Conference on Mesoscale
Processes in Reading/UK
Call for Papers, Announcements / Ankündigungen
Here are some annoucements. If you have a Call for Papers or other information
on a conference in the field of meteorology or a related discipline available
please send it to and we will include it
here. Thank you!
Here sind einige Ankündigungen. Wenn Sie weitere Informatonen über
Konferenzen im Gebiet der Meteorologie oder verwandter Disziplinen haben,
so schicken Sie diese bitte an, und wir
werden sie in unseren Service aufnehmen. Danke!
Call for Papers for the
Conference on Isentropic Analysis and Forecasting
in Lancaster,PA/USA (31.3.95-2.4.95)
Call for Papers for the
21st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical
Meteorology in Miami,FL/USA (24.4.95-28.4.95)
Information on the
NATO ASI on: Remote Sensing of Processes Governing
Energy and Water Cycles in the Climate System in Ploen/Germany
Call for
Papers for the Sixth International Meeting on Statistical
Climatology in Galway/Ireland (19.6.95-23.6.95)
Information on the
Bushfire '95, Australian Bushfire Conference in
Hobart,Tasmania/Australia (27.9.95-29.9.95)
Call for Papers for
MODSIM95, International Congress on
Modelling and Simulation in Newcastle,NSW/Australia
Call for Papers for the
4th International Conference on School and
Popular Meteorology Education in Edinburgh,Scotland/UK
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Web Administration,
Dennis Schulze
Last modified: Friday, 07-Apr-95 22:39:26 UTC