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MGD Tap Room - April 95



Are You Tapped In?..

Belly up. All you need is a curiosity for what's brewing on the lifestyle scene. Tap into the latest in music, art, fashion, sports, nightlife, food and social issues from inside New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Austin, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Miami and the Net.

Like traditional tap rooms, this virtual tap room is a place where you can find out what's happening. Don't hang back, bring your own insight and ideas to the table too.


What's on Tap

Read on and you'll always have something to say during bad lapses in conversation. So share our info. We just ask you to let people know where you've been. If you want more details, email us with your question at mgdtaproom@mgdtaproom.com

Story 1.A Consumer's Guide To Fortune Tellers


None of the people or companies mentioned in the above stories are endorsing Miller Genuine Draft. It's just news.


MGD Tap Room Buttons



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Miller Brewing Co.This domain is brought to you by Miller Genuine Draft--Proud to bring you a Tap Room with no last call

You're out there. Let us hear from you -- questions, input, and thoughts to put on tap. Contact us at mgdtaproom@mgdtaproom.com



mgdtaproom@mgdtaproom.com-- Miller Brewing Co., Milwaukee, WI ©1995
