hide random home screenshot http://www.navy.mil/navpalib/.www/welcome.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Navy Public Affairs Library

Welcome to the World Wide Web server for the Navy Public Affairs Library (NAVPALIB).

Information about NAVPALIB

Access to NAVPALIB Documents

The Navy Public Affairs Library (NAVPALIB) is the Internet counterpart of the Navy Leadership Policy Bulletin Board (NLPBB). Both NAVPALIB and NLPBB are services of the Navy Office of Information, Washington, DC.

NAVPALIB is also accessible through NavyOnLine, the central gateway to online resources of the Department of the Navy.

Hardware and software support for NAVPALIB is provided by the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Pensacola, FL.

Your comments about the Navy Public Affairs Library are invited. Help us make this service more useful. Let us hear from you. Our email address is navpalib@opnav-emh.navy.mil.