hide random home screenshot http://www.nps.navy.mil/VisLab/home.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Welcome to the Naval Postgraduate School Scientific Visualization Laboratory in Monterey, California USA. For a quick orientation, please read Introduction to the Visualization Lab.

The mission of the VisLab is to give NPS scientists the ability to visualize scientific phenomena and to produce high quality hard-copy of the results.

Scientific Computing and Visualization Resources

To get an idea of what our resources can produce, take a look at these in-house movies .

Tap into 500 MFLOPS and 2 GB of real memory!

Sirius, Our Cray EL98

Visualize 100 million point data sets!

Graphics Workstations

Store hundreds of gigabytes of data!

Data Migration Facility


Other Resources

"The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers."
					-- Hamming

Last updated 3 April 1995 Mike McCann