hide random home screenshot http://www.nswses.navy.mil/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

[caution] This information resides on a DOD interest computer. Important conditions, restrictions, and disclaimers apply.

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Port Hueneme, California.

NSWC PHD Government Industry Technology Transfer (ORTA).

GITT, also known as "Dual Use Technology." This is a link to patents developed locally that are availible for licensing to US commercial concerns and technical information and research papers released for public use.
Information or Links or Resources or Cautions and Warnings


Links to other Webs


Our Server is NCSA httpd Version 1.0 on www.nswses.navy.mil.
Lynx 2.3 (940316) reader is provided for PCs and VTs .
We provide Win Mosaic and Mosaic Version 2.0 for X-Window hosts on Sun 4s.
X-Mosaic and Lynx run on packet forwarding hosts as engsun, slced1, suned1. WinMosaic, Cello etc., run from your PC if you have an ethernet card, internet address, packet drivers or winsock on an existing stack.
Support contacts and help .

[stats] Statistics from our Web (click icon)

Cautions and Warnings
Be Aware Note: During core hours both networks and servers get very busy and may respond SLOWLY or not at all.
Steps are underway to improve this.

Mail to : Webmaster@PHD-NSWC.
[caution] This information resides on a DOD interest computer. Important conditions, restrictions, and disclaimers apply.