(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Links to other Scientific Societies and University Departments
We Need Your Help!
OSA OpticsNet is here to provide the most up-to-date information
on optics related topics throughout the world. This is a list of Societies
that co-sponsor meetings with OSA, and University departments that carry on
optics research. We would like to add URL, Gopher, FTP,
and e-mail address links to this page for these societies and University
Maintaining such a list is a big task. The only way to keep this list up to
date is to ask for reader participation. If you know of any new URLs, Gopher, FTP,
and e-mail addresses that should be added to this list, please send us e-mail
and we will add it.
Susan Cato:
- AAS, The American Astronomical Society.
- ACS, the American Chemical Society: At present, the Society
is developing information for a W3 server which could be available as early
as December. ACS has a gopher server that lists a catalog of ACS publications and
books, as well as supplementary material for the Journal of the ACS,
Internet chemistry-related resources, and information for journal authors.
The gopher address is (Click here)
- AIP, The American Institute of Physics.
AIP also has an FTP server at Click here to get to their REVTeX directory.
- APS, The American Physical Society.
- APS-LSTG: American Physical Society-Laser Science Topical Group
- Applied Optics Group Of the Department of Physics, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
- ASPE: American Society of Precision Engineers
- AVS, the American Vaccuum Society, e-mail address:
- Bilkent Faculty of Science, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey - experimental and theoretical research on the
optical spectroscopy of solids.
- Boston University Photonics Center.
- Center for Electromagnetic Materials and Optics Systems (CEMOS)of the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.
- CIE - the International
Commission on Illumination
- CONNECT: The New England Alliance for Photonics
Technology Deployment
- Consortium for the Study of Manipulating Matter with Light, Harvard University.
- CTAN Search interface
CTAN is a source of publishing software, with the emphasis on math and
physics. Search for REVTeX to get the REVTeX style files.
- Electro-Optics Technology Center (EOTC) at Tufts University.
- CO-OP, the Consortium for Optical and
Optoelectric Technologies in Computing is an ARPA-funded activity to
encourage close interaction between device developers and systems researchers.
The primary activity of the co-op is organization of free custom device
foundry runs for smart pixel and diffractive optics technologies.
- Essen University, Germany has an Applied Optics homepage. Vorsicht - auf Deustch! (Caution - in German!).
- EOS: European Optical Society
- EPS: European Physical Society
- EULF - the European Ultraviolet Laser Facility
in Crete, Greece.
- Harvard "Experimental and Optical Physics"
- IEEE-COMSOC: IEEE-Communications Society
- IEEE-GRSS: IEEE-Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
- IEEE-LEOS: IEEE-Lasers and
Electro-Optics Society
- IEICE-CG: Inst. of Elect., Info. & Communication Engineers,
Communications Group
- Imaging on the
Internet: Scientific/Industrial rescources listing from NRL.
- IOP, the Institute of Physics.
- IRIA, Infrared Information Analysis Center,Environmental Research Institute of Michigan.
- JSAP: Japan Society of Applied Physics
- LEOMA: Laser and Electro-Optics Manufacturer's Association
- LFW - Laser Focus World magazine
- LIA: Laser Institute of America. e-mail:
- Lightwave Communications Research Laboratory
at the University of Ottowa, Canada.
- MRS: Materials Research Society.
- McGill
University Software archives, including optics software.
- Microelectronics Department at Dortmund University, Germany.
- National Science Foundation.
- New England Fiber Optics Council, also at Tufts University.
- Optical Sciences Center
at the University of Arizona.
- OptoElectronic Computing Group at UCSD.
- Oregon, University of Department ofPhysics.
- Photonics Spectra wants your input.
- Physics Research at Heriot-
Watt University, Edinburgh, Scottland.
- Prentiss Group at Harvard University, researching Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics.
- RLE, the Research Laboratory of Electronics and MIT is involved in optical research.
- SME: Society of Manufacturing Engineers
- Space Telescope Science Institute - images from and news about the Hubble Space Telescope.
- SPIE: International Society for Optical Engineering
- SPS-PMPG: Soc. of Polymer Sci.—Polymers for Microelect. &
Photonics Group
- URSI: Union Radio Scientific Internationale
- ASPE: American Society of Precision Engineers
Links to the optics industry
Other Connections:
Economic Faqs about the Internet
Newsnet: (Note: Making a Newsnet connection requires a
News server on your local machine. If anyone knows of a Gopher
or Mosaic/WWW archive for these addresses, please let me know. - F.H.)
Return to OSA OpticsNet.
Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA.