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Links to other Scientific Societies and University Departments

We Need Your Help!

OSA OpticsNet is here to provide the most up-to-date information on optics related topics throughout the world. This is a list of Societies that co-sponsor meetings with OSA, and University departments that carry on optics research. We would like to add URL, Gopher, FTP, and e-mail address links to this page for these societies and University departments.

Maintaining such a list is a big task. The only way to keep this list up to date is to ask for reader participation. If you know of any new URLs, Gopher, FTP, and e-mail addresses that should be added to this list, please send us e-mail and we will add it.


Susan Cato: scato@osa.org

Links to the optics industry

Other Connections:

Economic Faqs about the Internet

Newsnet: (Note: Making a Newsnet connection requires a News server on your local machine. If anyone knows of a Gopher or Mosaic/WWW archive for these addresses, please let me know. - F.H.)

Return to OSA OpticsNet.

Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA. elec@osa.org