hide random home screenshot http://www.portal.com/~cbntmkr/php.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Parents Helping Parents

Due to the numerous requests for the LINCS-BBS Resource Directory this WWW site has been developed.

LINCS is a FREE public service that provides a searchable on-line human services resource directory with a focus on the needs of children; condition & disability files and shareware; and much more. Internet mail and usenet is available.

The file PHPSETUP.EXE contains the entire LINCS Resource Directory and will be regularly updated. It contains over 2000 resources around the country addressing the needs of children & adults with most any need for specialized services or care. You may download or get help with the program here.

Files available from LINCS BBS

LINCS-BBS has moved. Our new number is 408/727-7227 or RAP-7-BBS.
Settings N81, to 14,400 baud, 3 lines.

FTP Site: ftp.netcom.com
login: anonymous
Password: your e-mail address
cd /pub/LI/LINCS

Some WWW Items of Interest

This service is a courtesy of PHP--The Family Resource Center in Santa Clara, CA. For additional information about PHP or LINCS-BBS send mail to sysop@php.com -- or -- telephone 408/727-5775 PST. We will send you details needed for updating the directory information.

Last update 25 Oct. 94