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Bringing your business to the world.

Now Online!
Middlebrook's Structured Analog Design Course
an innovative analog circuit design course that saves time and improves quality, from one of the foremost teachers of analog design in the world.
Knowledge Adventure's Space Adventure 2
a dynamic, entertaining and educational CDROM from one of the premier publishers of edutainment CDROMs anywhere!
an information resource for biologists, collecting online information from all over the Net.
Hot Hot Hot Online
the Internet's first cybershop dedicated entirely to hot and spicy foods and chile-head culture.

We are happy to welcome you to our presence on the Internet. We'd like to introduce you to our company and provide a starting point for learning how the Internet can help your marketing efforts.

We are dedicated to providing innovative and effective marketing solutions through the Internet. We believe that the Internet will be a powerful new force in the marketplace. For many, now is the time to take advantage of the Internet as part of an integrated marketing strategy. We are ready to bring your business to the world through the global and expanding Internet.

If you'd like more information about us, please see our profile.

Marketing on the Internet is a new and relatively unexplored opportunity. With a wide scope of opinions, there's a movement to understand how the Internet can be effective in communicating with customers. Here's what some other people have to say about marketing on the Internet:

We hope you enjoy your visit and we'd love to hear from you. If you have any comments or suggestions, use our feedback form or send us email at feedback@presence.com. Every month, we select from those who sent us comments and send them a special gift. This month: A treat from Hot Hot Hot!

If you'd like to receive our printed brochure or other promotional material, contact us:

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