(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Welcome to RISM-US!
Welcome to the RISM-US World Wide Web Information Server.
the Server is maintained
by the U.S. Office of the Répertoire International des
Sources Musicales -- the International Inventory of Musical Sources, a
worldwide effort to identify and describe sources of music and
writings about music from the earliest times through ca. 1825.
The U.S. RISM Office collects information from libraries in the
United States about music manuscripts, printed music, and libretti of the period
ca. 1580-1825.
The Office makes available cataloguing for manuscripts and libretti through
Internet-accessible databases in the United States free of charge. It also
maintains several additional information files that may be of interest
to librarians and scholars.
The RISM-US WWW Home Page describes the various Online
Resources it
makes available and can help you connect to them. These include the
There is also additional general information, including:
RISM-US Online Resources
Information about Music Manuscripts
Data representing music manuscripts is available through the Harvard
University Library Online Information System (HOLLIS) as the RISM-US
Music Manuscripts Database.
If you using this resource for the first time, you can
press here to retrieve online
help on connecting to and searching the RISM-US Music Manuscripts
If you are experienced with the database, you
connect now
via telnet to
via Gopher to "HOLLIS Plus", the Gopher
incarnation of the Harvard Online Catalogue.
General information on the project is available, as follows:
Information about Libretti
Cataloguing for libretti is available free of charge in VIRGO, the University
of Virginia's public online library catalogue.
New users may want help on
how to use VIRGO and the RISM Libretto Project data.
When you are ready, you can
connect to VIRGO via telnet directly from this page.
The following documents may also be of interest:
The RISM Libretto Project data is also available
The Music Catalog on CD-ROM, a CD-ROM product of the Library
of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service, and
in the
RLIN bibliographic databases maintained by the
Research Libraries Group.
The RISM Names Authority File (RAF)
RISM maintains a database of composer names that have been included in
the RISM Series A/II manuscript inventory. The U.S. RISM Office has expanded
this resource to include names of librettists, copyists, former owners of manuscripts, etc.
At present there are more than 30,000 names indexed in the database.
on using the RAF is available, or you can
connect to the
Database now.
The RISM-L News Server
RISM-L is a listserv designed to distribute information about the
activities and resources of the U.S. RISM Office and about publications
and activities of the RISM organization in general.
To keep up to date on RISM, subscribe to RISM-L: send a one-line
e-mail message to:
The message should read:
You will receive a confirmation message and a brief information file
on using the listserv.
Information is also available on the following topics:
Comments or Problems
Your comments on the RISM-US Home Page are welcome! To offer feedback or
suggestions or if you need help using the RISM-US Music Manuscripts Database
or subscribing to RISM-L,
please send e-mail to, or,
if you are using an up-to-date Web-browser such as Netscape 1.0,
press here now.