The PC-Mac TCP/IP & NFS FAQ list

Version 2.4
by Rawn Shah


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Welcome to the PC TCP/IP & NFS Frequently Asked Questions list. This list contains information that might help you decide upon a TCP/IP or NFS product for your PC or Macintosh. This is my first attempt at a real HTML document so please send any email to me if there is any problems with this document.

NOTE: If you use this FAQ list and decide you like a product listed here enough to purchase it, please mention where you got this information to the product seller. Thank you.

Rawn Shah


Related Information by Rawn

Advanced Systems Magazine January 1995 Technology Feature

Presentations at Fall 94 Internet World Conference, Washington DC

[RTD Home Page] [Mail Comments]


*. This FAQ

*-1.   What topics does this FAQ cover? 
*-2. Where can I get this FAQ?
*-3. Who helped write this FAQ?
*-4. Who maintains this FAQ?
*-5. Who maintains comp.protocols.nfs?
*-6. Where are the archives for comp.protocols.nfs?
*-7. Trademarks and Registered names.
*-8. What do the -, + and * before the questions mean?
*-9. Whats up and coming in the next issue of the FAQ list?

The real FAQ:

Section A. Basics

A-1.   What is NFS? 
A-2. What is (PC)NFS?
A-3a. Where can I get TCP/IP and NFS for my DOS system?
A-3b. Where can I get TCP/IP and NFS for my MS-Windows system?
A-3c. Where can I get TCP/IP and NFS for my Macintosh system?
A-3d. Where can I get TCP/IP and NFS for my OS/2 system?
A-4. What is PC-NFS as opposed to (PC)NFS?
A-5. What is TCP/IP?
A-6. What is Ethernet?
A-7. What is SLIP?
A-8. What is PPP?
A-9. What is Appletalk?
A-10. What is telnet? What is ftp?
A-11. What is a client? What is a server? Why do I need them?
A-12. Where can I get (PC)NFS cheap/free/PD?
A-13. What is SOS & SOSS? Where can I get it?
A-14. Are there any free NFS clients available for DOS?
A-15. What is MacTCP?
A-16. What is KIP?
A-17. What is DDP-IP?

Section B. Setup

B-1.   What are the different types of drivers available? 
B-2. -What are "shim"s? What shims are available?
B-3. What are packet drivers? Where do I get them?
B-4. Can I use packet drivers with (PC)NFS?
B-5. Can I run (PC)NFS over SLIP?
B-6. Can I run (PC)NFS at the same time as Netware?
B-7. Can I run (PC)NFS at the same time as CUTCP or NCSA Telnet?
B-8. Can (PC)NFS run with NDIS drivers?
B-9. Can I use (PC)NFS to mount a diskless PC from a remote server?
B-10. Can (PC)NFS run over token ring?
B-11. Can I run PC-NFS with my 3C509 Etherlink III card?
B-12. Can I run PC-NFS slip at higher baud rates than 9600?
B-13. Can I access an MSCDEX CD-ROM with PC-NFS?
B-14. Can I run programs which require a packet driver when I really run NDIS?
B-15. How does ODI compare to NDIS?
B-16. How can I connect a LocalTalk network to Macintoshes on the Ethernet?
B-17. What is PKTMUX used for?

Section C. Server

C-1.   What is pcnfsd? What is pcnfsdv2? 
C-2. Where can I get pcnfsd for my server system?
C-3. -What is lockd?
C-4. How can I test NFS performance?
C-5. What is NHFSSTONES? Where can I get it?
C-6. -What will help my server increase performance?
C-7. How many nfsd's & biod's should I run on my server?
C-8. What is asynchronous I/O? How can I modify my NFS server system to use
asynchronous I/O?
C-9. What is a good NFS server?
C-10. What is LADDIS?
C-11. What is XRemote & LBX?

Section D. Applications

D-1.   Where can I get mail with (PC)NFS? 
D-2. Where can I get news with (PC)NFS?
D-3. Where can I get an FTP server?
D-4. Where can I get rwalld for (PC)NFS? [May be removed, please read]
D-5. Where can I get a INT-14 redirector for (PC)NFS?
D-6. Where can I get YPPASSWD for PC-NFS?
D-7. Where can I get IBM 3270 terminal for (PC)NFS?
D-8. Where can I get an X-Windows server for (PC)NFS?
D-9. -Where can I get a calender/scheduling program for (PC)NFS?
D-10. Where can I get a database that works with (PC)NFS?
D-11. Where can I get a WAIS client for (PC)NFS?
D-12. Where can I get an archie for (PC)NFS?
D-13. Where can I get a gopher client for (PC)NFS?
D-14. Where can I get a WWW (World Wide Web) client for (PC)NFS?
D-15. Where can I get X25 for (PC)NFS?
D-16. Where can I get NEWGRP.EXE for PC-NFS?
D-17. Where can I get AUTOCONF for PC-NFS?
D-18. Where can I get a backup utiliy for (PC)NFS?
D-19. Which (PC)NFS packages support DNS [named]?
D-20. Where can I get a traceroute program?
D-21. Where can I get an LPD program?
D-22. Where can I get an LPR program?
D-23. Where can I get an NSLOOKUP program?
D-24. Where can I get an WWW server?
D-25. Where can I get an Whois client?

Section E. Problems & General Q&A

E-1.  -How can I load (PC)NFS into DOS high memory? 
E-2. Can I use DNS instead of NIS with PC-NFS?
E-3. Why do some versions of (PC)NFS not follow symbolic links?
E-4. PC-NFS v4.0 has trouble with Cntl-S, Cntl-Q.
E-5. PC-NFS v4.0 has trouble with redrawing the window while in MS-Windows.
E-6. +PC-NFS v4.0 doesn't allow me to access the local printer when I have network printers.
E-7. I cannot delete any file that PC-NFS makes with a ~ (tilde) in it.
E-8. PC-NFS says that it cannot open any more files even when the limit in autoexec.bat is set higher.
E-9. Can (PC)NFS mount file systems which are bigger than 2 GB?
E-10. What is NFS/TCP? Will it work with my NFS?
E-11. +What is PKTD.SYS? Where can I get it?
E-12. How can I run Novell Netware (tm) 3.xx at the same time as (PC)NFS using NDIS?
E-13. -How many PC's can work with a single PC-NFS server?
E-14. Is it possible to modify the read & write buffer sizes in (PC)NFS?
E-15. How can I install Ethernet boards not supported by (PC)NFS?
E-16. In postscript files I sometimes get a ^D before the header from my programs. How do I get rid of it?
E-17. On the server, how do I get rid of TCP connections which say that they are CLOSING but never do (without a reboot)?
E-18. How do I set up IP connections over a LocalTalk network? How do I connect a LocalTalk network to an Ethernet?
E-19. Do I set Daylight savings time in Europe?
E-20. Is there a Winsock interface for LAN WorkPlace?

Section F. Programming

F-1.   Is there a toolkit for (PC)NFS programming? Whats the latest version
       and where can I get it? 
F-2. What is the Windows Sockets API (winsock)? Where can I get it?
F-3. What is the latest version of the NFS protocol?
F-4. What happened to version 3 of the NFS protocol?
F-5. What is the current RPC version? Where can I get it?
F-6. Where can I get the RPC definition for PCNFSD?
F-7. What are RFC's? What RFC's describe the NFS protocol? Where can I get these RFC's?
F-8. How can I tell if a file is NFS mounted from a server?
F-9. What does APP2SOCK do?
F-10. Which DOS call will give a list of mounted file systems?

Section G. Product Features Comparisons **

G-1.  Network Drivers and Hardware Protocols. 
G-2. Foreign Network Protocols and Operating System Co-operation.
G-3. IP protocols supported.
G-4. Terminal emulations and Remote Connectivity capabilities of products.
G-5. Mail, WhoIs, Finger, News, Talk, NTalk.
G-6. NFS, FTP, TFTP, Network Backup and Network Printing.
G-7. Servers.
G-8. Network Utilities (nslookup, ping, traceroute, netstat, route, snmp)
G-9. Features of X servers.

Section H. Information Sources

H-1.  Chest - Council for Higher Education Software Transfer [UK] 
H-2. X/Open
H-3. Books
H-4. Related Papers (published)
H-5. Popular FTP sites
H-6. Related FAQ's, USENET lists, mail lists.
H-7. Glossary.
H-8. +PD/Shareware Winsock Software List.

Section W. Third-Party Email Software

W-1.   CliqAccessories		Quadratron Systems  
W-2. Higgins Group Prod sw Enable Software
W-3. Linkage Concentric Technologies
W-4. OpenMail Hewlett-Packard
W-5. PathWay Messenger The Wollongong Group.
W-6. +Eudora (Mac & PC) Qualcomm Software.
W-7. SelectMail SunSelect
W-8. AIRMail Spry, Inc.

Section X. X-Windows Software

X-1.   eXceed  			Hummingbird Software Ltd.  
X-2. eXcursion DEC
X-3. eXodus White Pines Software.
X-4. Micro X-Lite StarNet Communications Corporation.
X-5. MultiView/X JSB Corporation
X-6. PC-Xware & PC-Xview NCD, Inc.
X-7. PC X-server & PC Link XLink
X-8. PC-Xsight Locus Computing Corp.
X-9. PC DECWindows Motif DEC
X-10. Reflection X Walker, Richer & Quinn
X-11. X Appeal Xtreme s.a.s.
X-12. Xoftware AGE Logic, Inc.
X-13. Xvision VisionWare Soft, Inc
X-14. X-windows for OS/2 IBM

Section Y. Other Third Party & Related Software

Server Products:

Y-2. Multinet TGV, Inc.
Y-3. -DEC TCP/IP Digitial Equipment Corp.
Y-4. -NHFSSTONE Legato
Y-5. -PrestoServe Legato
Y-6. SOSS Rich Braun
Y-7. TCPWare for VMS Process Software Corp.

Other software:

Y-9.   Trumpet Winsock   	Peter Tattam.  
Y-10. -WinVN
Y-11. Cello Cornell Law School/Thomas Bruce
Y-12. MacPPP Merit Network
Y-13. PPP for NCSA Telnet Merit Network
Y-14. AIR Navigator SPRY, Inc.
Y-15. WATTCP Erick Engelke
Y-16. *WinTrumpet Newsreader Peter Tattam
Y-17. *WS Ping John Junod
Y-18. *WS FTP John Junod
Y-19. *QWS3270 Jim Rymerson
Y-20. *WinSock Gopher Dave Brooks
Y-21. *NCSA & Mac Mosaic NCSA
Y-22. *WinSock Finger Tidewater Systems

Section Z. TCP/IP & NFS Products

Z-1.   AIR for Windows  	SPRY, Inc.  
Z-2. BW-NFS & BW-TCP Beame & Whiteside, Inc.
Z-3. Chameleon NFS NetManage
Z-4. CU/TCP Clarkson University/Rutgers University
Z-5. Distinct TCP Distinct Corp.
Z-6. -LAN Manager TCP/IP Microsoft Corp.
Z-7. LAN Workplace NFS Novell, Inc.
Z-8. NCSA Telnet Nat'l Center for Supercomputing Applications.
Z-9. NFS/Share Intercon, Inc.
Z-10. NS & ARPA Services Hewlett-Packard, Inc.
Z-11. Pathway Access DOS/Win The Wollongong Group.
Z-12. PathWay Access OS/2 The Wollongong Group.
Z-13. PC-NFS SunSelect Inc.
Z-14. PC/TCP FTP Inc.
Z-15. Reflection Walker Richer & Quinn, Inc.
Z-16. SuperTCP Frontier Technology, Corp.
Z-17. TCP/IP for DOS IBM
Z-18. TCP/IP for OS/2 IBM
Z-19. TCP/Open Lanera Corp.
Z-20. TTCP Turbosoft Pte. Ltd.
Z-21. *Trumpet WinApps Peter Tattam
Z-22. WinQVT QPC Software, Inc.
Z-23. Fusion Pacific Softworks, Inc.
Z-24. PathWay Access for Mac The Wollongong Group.
Z-25. ICE/TCP James River Group
Z-26. Piper/IP IPswitch, Inc.
Z-27. TCP/Connect II Intercon, Inc.
Z-28. TUN Esker
Z-29. *Vantage/IP IPswitch, Inc.
Z-30. *Lantastic Artisoft,Inc.