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Robby Naish

Robby Naish

His inimitable style, his almost lazy elegance and powerful technique quickly made Robby an absolute superstar, not only in the windsurfing world. For with his charm, his modesty and his extraordinary personality he became the idol of a whole generation. The experience and ability of this exceptional athlete were also not least at the basis of Mistral's success. No other international pro windsurfer has so determined a single brand as much throughout their whole career as this 30 year old. Without Robby the name Mistral would not be where it is today: at the top.

The Robby Naish Video!

As promised, here are some clips from Robby Naish's new video, which features some incredible footage of Robby doing what he does best. The mpeg movies below are a Sneak Preview of the Video, which is scheduled for release in mid-January. By the way, these clips come courtesy of Robby himself for Websurfers. Enjoy!


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