(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Something about the company:
Hiljaiset Levyt (Silent Records in English) was formed in 1986 by two
frustrated pop freaks Mr. Jukka Junttila and Miss Sari Jormanainen. At the
beginning Hiljaiset Levyt was really small label which put out one or two
LP's and handful of singles per year.
In 1990 things seemed to become a little more serious and more people got
involved with this funny little enterprise - and Hiljaiset did get a major
distribution in Finland. Things start roll faster, some of the records were
licensed to USA, UK and Germany, bands started to tour in Europe and the
records get better and better.
Now Hiljaiset Levyt is not-so-small, powerful indie label in Finland.
It's oriented to different kinds of guitar rock - we believe there is more
than one way to use guitar, and we gonna show You them all.
Main staff:
- Jukka Junttila (MD, A&R)
- Rainer Vallius (marketing)
Distribution: Kråklund Records
The complete catalogue. Ask for our mail order list of currently available records!
"Coming sooner or later..."
There is a e-mail new letter called Hiljaiset Levyt Digest, You can
subscribe it from address -Write to the subject: subscribe.
P.O. Box 211
Fax: Int + 358 - 31 - 3165770
In USA You can contact:
NKVD Records (Steve Gardner)
P.O. Box 60369, San Diego
CA 92166, USA
We represent the following bands:
- Zägä Box: Kellopelipasianssi / Älä Tuu (HIKS-001) -86
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Te Olette Huono Yleisö / Kuvittelen Olevani (HIKS-002) -86
- Maaseudun Tulevaisuus: Agrikulture EP (HIKS-003) -87
- compilation EP: 10 vuotta myöhemmin (HIKS-004) -87 Finnish hardcore from 1987
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Brassailen Poikaystävilläni / Pikku-ukot (HIKS-005) -87
- Johnny Spunky: Lunar Power EP (HIKS-006) -87
- Maaseudn Tulevaisuus: Adventtilaulu / Lyhteet (HIKS-007) -87
- Jalla Jalla: Goes Pop EP (HIKS-008) -88
- Raamattupiiri / Perestroika (PÖPI-1) split EP given away free with ULO fanzine in 1988
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Ole Nöyrä! live EP (HIKS-009) -88
- God's Lonely Men: The Days of Glory EP (HIKS-010) -88
- Jalla Jalla: Love Charging Battery / Ain't Got No (HIKS-011) -89
- Johnny Spunky: My Second Coming EP (HIKS-012) -89
- compilation EP: 33 Special (HIKS-013) -89 punk & psychobilly bands
- Garbagemen: Gozilla's Bazooka EP (HIKS-014) -89
- Ravin' Seeds: Rubber Ballet / Turn on Your TV (HIKS-015) -89
- Terveet Kädet: Ääretön Joulu EP (HIKS-016) -89 (rerelease of the most classic Finnish HC 7")
- Lowdown Shakin' Chills: Everythin EP (HIKS-017) -90
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Mauno Henrik Koivisto / Alivaltiosihteeri (HIKS-018) -90
- God's Lonely Men: The Price I Have to Pay / Proud of being Myself (HIKS-019) -90
- Garbagemen: Blind Man / Song & Legend (HIKS-020) -90
- Alice in Wasteland: Bleeding / Smell of Earth (HIKS-021) -90
- Johnny Spunky: Mutatio Vitalis EP (HIKS-022) -90
- Totaalisen Hiljainen Levy (promo; HYKS-001) -90
- Lowdown Shakin' Chills: (I don't wanna) Say Goodbye / Need You Now (HIKS-023) -91
- Many Hates: Many Hates EP (HIKS-024) -91
- Juggling Jugulars: Gun in My Heart EP (HIKS-025) -91
- No Counsellors
- Jumping on the Thin Ice
- Gun in My Heart
- It's Selfish
- Jalla Jalla: Minnesota Plates / Redneck's Lullaby (HIKS-026) -91
- Wolfmen: I'm Insane / Lost (HIKS-027) -91
- compilation EP: Soundiefekti vol. 1 (HISO-001) -91 (new talents)
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Enemmän Rokkia / Maataloustuloratkaisu (HIKS-028) -91
- Lowdown Shakin' Chills: She-Devils / I Tried (HIKS-029) -91
- Alice in Wasteland: Humanizer / Guess I'm Falling in Love (HIKS-030) -92
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Mainio Seuramies / Suomi Nousuun (HIKS-031) -92
- Nightingales: Poor Jimmy's Birthday Party / Johnnie Ragtime & the Swinging Band (HIKS-
032) -92
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Tylsää / The End (live) (HIKS-033) -92
- Juggling Jugulars: A Dream EP (HIKS-034) -92
- Dream
- The Aims of Dictator
- The Limit
- Untraceable
- Room 100: On the Saddle / Dancing Barefoot (HIKS-035) -92
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Tää aika muistuttaa 90-lukua (CD-EP) (HICKS-036) -93
- Seikkailija
- Niin hyvä
- Tä aika muistuttaa 90-lukua
- Esteitä maailmanvalloitukselle (live)
- Jalla Jalla: Live Covers EP (HIKS-037) -93
- Jalla Jalla: Make My Smile
- Jalla Jalla: Love Song
- Greenhouse AC: Shakin' Street
- Greenhouse AC: Yesteradys Numbers
- Kamikaze Pilots: Evil Eyes / Milkshake (HIKS-038) -93
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Kansamme ääni (CD-EP) (HICKS-039) -93
- Kansamme ääni
- (Vähemmän rockia) Enemmän funkia (live)
- Tanssaan ja taputan (live)
- Mahtavat Lämpöpussit: Jeesus käski mut parturiin // Napalmia / Negrofilia (HIKS-040) -93
- Lowdown Shakin' Chills: Kiss and Spit (CD-EP) (HICKS-041) -94
- Kiss and Spit
- Love Missile F1-11 (Doris Mix)
- Love is Boring
- Miss Valentin
- Punk Lurex OK: Tappajan Silmät / Paalimajassa (HIKS-042) -94
- Eino-Mies, Porkkakoski & Daami: Naurun Remakkaa (HKYK-001) -88 cassette containing
something like humor (done by 3/4 of Alivaltiosihteeri)
- Hiljaiset Levyt / Stupido Twins (promo sampler made for BID '90 by 2 labels; no catalogue
number) -90
- Twin Peeks & Silent Moments (promo sampler with Stupido Twins for BID '91;HIST-002) -91
- Roi Soi - live (HIOR-001) -93
- Jalla Jalla
- - Ain't Got No
- - Jukebox Jive
- - Redneck's Lullaby
- - Crazy Kendall
- - Giant Step
- - Bursting into Tears
- Greenhouse AC:
- - Hero in My Head
- - Young Mothers
- - Blue Lamp
- - Sad Story
- - Churchbell Chimes
- - Not Yet, Not Again
- Nightingales:
- - Just Another Friday Afternoon
- - Don't Take Me for a Loser
- - Sing if You're Glad to be Gay
- - Pagan Rachel
- - Mr. David Strange
- Hiljaiset Levyt 93/94 (promo sampler HIB-003) -93
BIG BLACKS (LP's) - or not-so big silvers (CD's)
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Eduskuntatalo (HIKI-001) -87
- Me noustiin virastoista
- Pikku-ukot
- Tahdon antaa teille rahaa
- Eka kerta
- Perustan ydinperheen
- Tanssaan ja taputan
- Kotipaikka: planeetta
- Mies leikkii legoilla
- Minne ovat kaikki leveät solmiot kadonneet
- Maaseudun Tulevaisuus: Periferia (HIKI-002) -88
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Tasavallan Presidentti II (HIKI-003) -89
- Niin hyvä
- Laulutaiteilijan arkipäivä
- Teeskennellän että ollaan naimisissa
- Kansainvälinen byrokraatti
- Suomi-kuvaa rakentamassa
- Mitä päälle tänään
- Tahdon olla Tarvajärvi
- Esiintymisestä Sun Cityssä
- Maailmanvalloituksen esteitä
- Kyllä, herra Jees-mies
- Panama
- Tarpeettomien asioiden äärellä
- Maaseudun Tulevaisuus: Kylmäoja (HIKI-004) -89
- Jalla Jalla: Jalla Jalla (HIKI-005) -90
- You Wear It Well
- Graveyard Boogie
- Mr. Allways Right
- City Song
- Waiting for My Girl
- Lodger
- Dead Man on the Ground
- So Much for You
- Bursting in to Tears
- You Used to Go
- A Comic Story (Night og the Living Comics)
- Apartment Stories (ska)
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Yhteiskunta - rakenne ja toiminta (HIKI-006) -90
- Nasta kaupunki
- Ihmissuhdeasiaa
- Päivät nuo vaihtaisin pois
- Tarvitsen kuuntelijan
- Maataloustuloratkaisu
- Alivaltiosihteeri pitää puheen
- Kappale kauneinta suomea
- Se on vain rokkia (enkä pidä siitä)
- Taas roiskuu
- Koko kansan hitti
- Rock (puoliväliin) ydinvoimaa vastaan
- Auktoriteettirock
- A
- Alice in Wasteland: Red Eye (HIKI-007) -91
- God's Lonely Men: All This And More (HIKI-008) -91
- They Wanna Se You Down
- Heaven Sent You
- The Last Goodbye
- Playin' with the Wild Child
- Happy Days Are over
- My Time Has Gone
- Things Are Going Wrong
- Price I Have to Pay
- No Chance
- Love Turned to Hate
- Why Do I Cry
- All This and More
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Yeah Baby Yeah (HIKI-009) -92
- Yksinoikeudella
- Mainio Seuramies
- Tampereelle
- A4
- Suomi Nousuun
- Elämää Avaruusaluksella
- Tylsää
- Ennen Oli
- Kuvat Lompakossa
- Clint .44
- Kuvittelen Olevani
- Jalla Jalla: Crumelur (HIKI-010) -92
- Call of the Desert
- Crazy Kendall
- Drop-out Beat
- Hollow Moon
- Between Us
- Southern Comfort Rain
- They Call It Joy
- Keep It Clean!
- Ballad of Green Salad
- Milkway Blues
- Minnesota Blues
- Wolfmen: The Shadow War (HILL-011) -92
- The Shadow War
- She's Cool
- Underwater Aeroplane
- Krazy Pills
- Ameerika
- The Season of the Wolfmen
- Zombie Hop
- Guilty
- A Tale of Tombstown
- Trash
- Zombie Nation (is gonna rise again)
- A Love Song
- Ghost Train
- Jean Harlow's Dead
- Lowdown Shakin' Chills: ... Up My Spine (HILL-012) -92
- People in Synthesis
- Scudy Fya
- Comin' Home
- What Have They Done to You
- Needed Love
- Live, Love & Die
- From the Cradle to the Grave
- Out of My Bed
- Lay a Wreath on My Grave
- Garbagemen: Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt (HILL-013) -92
- We Move
- Ping Pong You
- Snotbrakes Gotta Move
- Ufoes in Alderaan
- Go Johnny Go (Home)
- Sometimes Good Guys Don't Wear White
- ?
- Country Män
- Jane B.
- Swahala Go
- K.A. Man
- Still You Are Here with Your Monkeys
- Kill the System
- Poon-Tang
- Injun
- sampler compilation: Guitars that go BUZZZ... (HIBZ-001) -92
- Jalla Jalla: Drop-out Beat
- Wolfmen: The Shadow War
- Nightingales: Poor Jimmy's Birthday Party
- Lowdown Shakin' Chills: Skudy Fya
- Garbagemen: K.A. Man
- Room 100: Returning
- Nightingales: Pop-gun Juggernaut (HILL-014) -93
- Mr. David Strange
- No Fair Play at All
- Springtime in This City
- Who Raped the Nightingale
- Johnnie What You're Gonna Do?
- Just Another Friday Afternoon
- My Babe, Your Babe
- Poor Jimmy's Birthday Party
- Lady Won't Every American Soldier
- Don't Take Me for a Loser
- Uncle Bruce
- Room 100: Beehieve (HILL-015) -93
- Alivaltiosihteeri: Taustamusiikkia kansannousulle (HILL-016) -93
- Sä olet alright
- Alakerran orkesteri
- Kansamme ääni
- Ujo
- Lapsena, kun me mentiin tien sivuun
- Seikkailija
- Naiset lähtee
- Tää aika muistuttaa 90-lukua
- Pyörii
- Niksipirkka
- Iso Malin
- (Mainion seuramiehen) huonompi päivä
- Lowdown Shakin' Chills: Sex is Boring (HILL-017, MC: HIMO-017) -94
- Leaves of the Tree
- I Tried
- Sun-Bath
- Love Missile F1-11 (dipp version)
- Love is Boring
- Threat
- Paradise Lost
- Fare thee Well
- Poor Old Jimmy
- Nico
- Kiss and Spit
- Leaves of the Trees (acoustic version)
- Punk
- Jalla Jalla: Snowmans Land (HILL-018, MC: HIMO-018) - 94
- Hospital Waltz
- Onemans Jive
- Make a Deal
- Pot on the Range
- Free-ons Play Tonight
- Checkshirt Gang
- Dr. John
- Cause of You
- Frederico Sells Pizza
- Wankin' at Your Memory
- Wolfmen: Brutal (HILL-019) -94
- Shades of Guilt
- Napalm Kiss
- Inner Space Catastrophe
- Valium Sky
- Stranded in Texas
- Under the Werewolf Moon
- The Perfect World
- Beautiful Bones
- Heartbreak Zone
- Psycho Dreams
- Rocket to Mars
- Juggling Jugulars: ... for Humanity (early 90's) (mini-CD, HICKS-043) -94
- War
- Not from My World
- Independence
- Disturbance
- Fight for Humanity
- Western Disease
- Question #1
- My Lonely Day
- Selling Privacy
- TOINEN KÄSITTELY - Kunnianosoitus Alivaltiosihteerille (CD/HILL-020) -95
(Second discussion - the tribute to Alivaltiosihteeri)
Yö: Te olette huono yleisö
Klamydia: Mainion seuramiehen huonompi päivä
Punk Lurex Ok: Nasta Kaupunki
Yksi Ruusu: Lapsena kun me mentiin tien sivuun
Popeda: Mauno Henrik Koivisto
Love Handles: Tylsää
Jalla Jalla: Rock against something (originally Auktoriteetti Rock)
Pojat: Esteitä maailmanvalloitukselle
Satu & Vaahtopäät: Koko kansan hitti
Advanced Art: Mainio seuramies
Eläkeläiset: Tahdon olla Tarvajarvi
Tehosekoitin: Ujo
Riksa & Iloa ja Valoa: Ennen oli
Slobo Horo: Avanturist (orginally Seikkailija)
Raaka-Arska & Rengasraudat: Sä oot alright
Alivaltiosihteeri: Niin hyvä
Tampere No-Stars: Jukka Junttila kustantaa meidän levyn
And there's more to come!!! Ask for our mail order list of currently available records.
(Zägä Box, Johnny Spunky, Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, Many Hates, Ravin' Seeds, God's Lonely Men and Alice in Wasteland now disbanded)
"coming sooner or later"
- 1995 edition of finnish independet record bible 'Pienlevyluettelo' is soon
ready. We are now working with the lay-out and the book will come out also in
beginning of March.
- In the end of March will come out debut album by Punk Lurex OK and CD-single by
Alivaltiosihteeri. Punk Lurex OK have recorded a 77-influenced eight track
mini-CD. The CD will be called 'Veljet, Siskot!' (Brothers, Sisters!). The
Alivaltiosihteeri single is taken from forth coming CD and the tittle track of the CD-single is
'Kännissä' (Drunk)
- In April it's time for the next full lenght AVS album. The work name for
it is 'Innostuneet Sonnit', but will it be called that ... who knows.
- Our hysteric ragtimepop band Nightingales has also recorded material for
second CD. 'Circus Delirium' will come out in May.
Get in touch! What the hell are you waiting for?
Jukka Junttila