hide random home screenshot http://www.stir.ac.uk/jsbin/jsii (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

JumpStation II Front Page

JumpStation II Front Page

Important ! The server supporting the JumpStation and JumpStation II is suffering from load problems. When the load is too high, users may see an 'Error 500' returned to their browser - this is because the server is too busy to create another search engine process. If this happens to you, please try again after a couple of minutes ! Thanks



Welcome to the JumpStation II. The JumpStation is a way of referencing the information available on the World Wide Web. Users query a large database of document information and are presented with a set of links relating to their query.

The JumpStation relies upon a Robot for it's data acquisition. See the Robot page for more details.

Take a look at the news and history pages. They tend to follow the times, but get there eventually.


The JumpStation offers WWW users a variety of document and server database searches.

The primary method of searching is through the Document database. The Document database allows interactive searching of documents by title, header, and subject.

Also available is the ability to find servers, given a partial address. The search for servers can include wildcards and is very useful for re-discovering partially remembered URLs.

Still to come is the URL Scanner. This will give the ability to scan through the huge number of URLs that the JumpStation Robot has collected, looking for URLs containing the search value.

WWPing is also available through the JumpStation. WWPing offers the ability to identify and check the state of internet sites and WWW Servers.

The Document Search

The JumpStation II Document Search enables the JumpStation Document database to be searched by any combination of title, header and subject word.

The Server Scanner

The JumpStation II Server Scanner enables the JumpStation server database to be searched by a partial server address, with wildcards.

The URL Scanner

[The "URL Scanner" is still under developments. A link to it will appear here once it is completed]

Adding a Server

The capability to add a server to the search engine is still in beta-testing. Please use it to send urls and sites that you would like to be included in the database but which the robot has not yet visited.


WWPing is a form for "pinging" WWW Servers. It can be used to for simple internet pinging, and for HTTP pinging, with server identification.

Contacting the Author

I'm interested in hearing from people who use the JumpStation to help navigate the World-Wide Web. Please email me with comments or critisisms you may have of the JumpStation. My email address is shown at the bottom of this page.
JumpStation Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Jonathon Fletcher