(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Screenwriters & Playwrights Home Page
"... only he is an emancipated thinker who is not afraid to write foolish
-- Anton Chekhov
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This page, which is frequently updated, is
designed to meet the special needs of screenwriters and playwrights.
It is maintained by Charles Deemer, to
whom all questions, suggestions, and additions should be directed.
Write me at
The last update was on April 28, 1995.
Nuts & bolts info, from dramatic structure to format to marketing; Jack
Stanley's Screenwriters FAQ; Film databases; movie reviews; eclectic stuff
Godzilla to Hitchcock; tips from the pros on the craft and business of
screenwriting; and more.
Scripts, from the classics to new plays; FAQ's about the theatre
newsgroup; lyrics to musicals; NYC and London info; tips from the pros on
the craft and business of playwriting; and more.
Miscellaneous information and resources for writers in general.