TRIVR - The Triangle Virtual Reality Group

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Welcome to TRIVR!


TRIVR is an organization devoted to generating interest and promoting information sharing amongst members of the Research Triangle, North Carolina virtual reality community.

Space for these pages are provided courtesy of TriNet Services.

Check out TRIANGLE ONLINE Magazine for more information on the Triangle Area, North Carolina.

Next Meeting - May 31, 1995

Information on our next meeting: May 31, 1995, at BNR RTP. The meeting will feature Virtual Reality Interfaces Inc. and Silicon Graphics Inc.

Here you will find a history of the oranization, as well as a description of the many activities of the group.

Minutes of Previous Meetings
This section contains the minutes of previous meetings, including speaker information, and attendence. We have had some interesting meetings. Check it out!

Virtual Reality in the Triangle
Here you will find a list of organizations in the Triangle area that specialize in VR.

Mailing List
How to subscribe to the TRIVR e-mail list. Receive announcements of meetings, and activities of TRIVR.

Other VR Points of Interest
Here you will find links to other WWW pages that contain information on virtual reality.

Virtual Reality Suppliers
Here is a list of companies that specialize in VR products and services.

Contributors to these pages
Here you will find a list of people who contributed to the TRIVR web pages.

Prepared by:
Patrick O'Shaughnessey -
Frank Taylor -