hide random home screenshot http://www.uc.edu/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

[UC Logo Image]

Welcome to the University of Cincinnati!

What is this thing called the Web?

Policy for Responsible Use of Information Technology at UC

Student Affairs and Services - including Research and Program Development, Career Development and Placement, and various student clubs and organizations.

Colleges and Departments - Information about the various colleges and departments at the University of Cincinnati, including access to the UC Library Information Database (UCLID).

Faculty Activities - Information about various activities of University of Cincinnati Faculty.

Center for Information Technology Services - UC computing and other IT info, including the Technical Update newsletter.

Personal home pages of the students, faculty, and staff. Includes information on how to create your own home page on the UC Web.

Other Information Resources - including the Sponsored Programs Information Network (SPIN) Gopher server, the Yahoo World Wide Web index, computer vendors, and more.

Attention UC Mosaic Developers!

Help us evolve the UC Web! If you're developing a home page for your department or college, we would like to include it here. Send URL information to Don.Rainwater@UC.Edu. If you have an image associated with your home page, that may be included as well.

Last updated April 18, 1995.

Academic IT Services, University of Cincinnati