(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Medical Center
This resource provide links to medical campus resources and serves as a
communication network for faculty, staff and students. It includes
- ways to find people on the Internet
- access to online publications
- UMMC Research News
- projects going on in the Medical community
- information about Medical School programs
- the Comprehensive
Cancer Center
- the Learning Resource Center
- links to other resources of
interest in the greater University of Michigan community.
The Medical
Center World Wide Web resource supersedes the Medical Center Gopher which
provided similar services on a more limited level. While the World Wide Web
resource is continually maintained, the Gopher is no longer updated.
These resources have been developed and maintained by the Office of Health
Sciences Information Technology and Networking (ITN) at the UM Medical Center.
Subjects: Medicine
U-M classification: Administrative
Go to "Medical Center"
Go to "Medical Center" using Gopher
University of Michigan Information Gateway