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USAF Academy Home Page

Welcome to USAFA!

Welcome to the United States Air Force Academy World Wide Web (WWW) home page.

Click on admissions for further information about attending the United States Air Force Academy.

Click on News to connect to USAFA's News Service or News Subscriptions to review previously subscribed to news groups. PLEASE NOTE: The NEWS service is available only to USAFA resident users. If you are located elsewhere, please refer to your own NEWS service provider.

Try Gopher to connect to USAFA's Gopher Service or FTP to connect to USAFA's FTP Service. To Telnet to USAFA's library catalog system, try Library and use "library" as the login username.

You can also click on Air Force to connect to the United States Air Force WWW home page, DoD to connect to the Department of Defense WWW home page, or White House to connect to the White House home page in Washington, D.C.

If you're unsure of how to utilize the WWW, try using the Web Search and User Resource home page.

USAFA Pages...

If you would like to add something to this home page, contact Fairchild Hall Computer Center/SCSN at (719) 472-2703 (DSN 259-2703) or send electronic mail to helpdesk%nccdf@dfmail.usafa.af.mil