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University of Utah Library Catalog

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Info on using the system

Title searches:     To search for a particular title, use the t= search
                    command followed by the title.
                    Example:  t=foundation

Author searches:    To search for a particular author, use the a= search
                    command followed by the author's name.
                    Example:  a=asimov

Subject searches:   To search for a particular subject, use the s=

                    search command followed by the subject.
                    Example:  s=tennis

Keyword searches:   To search for a particular keyword, use the k=
                    search command followed by a string.
                    Example:  k=cry wolf

                    You may use the logical operator (AND, OR, NOT) and
                    parenthesis to group the operators.
                    Also, $ is a wildcard  character.
                    Examples: k=car and fast

                              k=computer and not ibm
                              k=comp$ and (toy or game)

Help:               On most screens, help can be seen by the h

Picking an item:    On screens where a list of items appears, a
                    particular item can be selected by typing the
                    number to the right of item.

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Last Update: March 22, 1995