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UW Home Page

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University of Wyoming

General information includes a university overview, admissions information, visitor information, campus attractions, activities and cultural events, a Fact File, a Laramie overview, and campus scenes.

Student information includes admissions, financial aid, and housing information; international student services; Office of Registration and Records; Office of Student Life; and Associated Students of the University of Wyoming.

Academics information includes six undergraduate colleges, the College of Law, and the Graduate School; the School of Environment and Natural Resources; the Honors Program; and the outreach education program.

Athletics information includes intercollegiate, intramural, and club sports.

Research information includes the Office of Research and research institutes.

Administration includes the Office of the President, Office of Academic Affairs, and personnel and safety information.

Information Services includes the UW Libraries; computer resources; World Wide Web search links; the Campus Directory; Wyoming Public Radio; alumni, fund raising, and news and publications.

Off-Campus includes information from Wyoming cities as well as recreation sites.