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Welcome To
Virtual Vegas

"Behold the skyline of Virtual Vegas,
where there's never any problem getting a room or catching a taxi..."

-Dennis Michael, CNN, Jan95

Due to our recent surprise coverage on CNN we've been getting more hits than a circus tent in a hailstorm. We even blew up a hard drive. There are several forms of help on the way. Until they arrive please bear with us and know that we are serving as fast as we can.

What Is Virtual Vegas ONLINE?
Win A Free CD Rom!

Listen to the Virtual Vegas theme music (AU 433K)

Next Drawing Date For The CD-ROM is May 8, 1995.
Here Is This Week's Winner.

Win $10,000 In The Ms. Metaverse Contest!
How Can We Do It?

Virtual Vegas Disc 1: BlackJack Comes To Life!

Invaluable Resources
(Take A QuickCam Peek Into Virtual Vegas)

Route 66

Visit the Virtual Vegas Gift Shop.


Virtual Vegas Online Playground.

Experience Virtual Reality on the World Wide Web!

Hit The Textual Reality Lounge.

Check out Virtual Vegas in Japanese - Shift JIS
(For Mac and Windows - one page only).

[Sun Microsystems, Inc.] Sun Servers Never Set On The Internet.


Reload the Virtual Vegas Homepage.
Leave questions or comments about this service with the webmaster@VirtualVegas.com or in feedback.
© Copyright 1995 Virtual Vegas Incorporated All rights reserved.
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