Dave Cheeseman's Windsurfing Page Dave Cheeseman's Windsurfing Page
hide random home screenshot http://www.vmark.co.uk/~dwc/windsurf/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

New in April (last update 26Apr 95)
Save Our Seas, Hawai'i, Strangford, Ireland, Lake Garda, Italy, Windsurfing Webworks (great info source!), Europe Clickable Map! [under construction], The Online Telegraph carries UK Weather Forecasts, Spots near Edinburgh and Scottish Travel Guide, Star Boards, UK Clickable Map!, Updated UK spot info, Coming Soon: On-Line UK Weather from the BBC!, Reviews, Opinions & Tips on windsurfing kit, I've been playing with forms [no wind, you see :-(], new last month

This page is a collection of UK and European windsurfing stuff. Here you can find:

This page is maintained by Dave Cheeseman (dwc@vmark.co.uk). Comments, suggestions, and items for inclusion are welcome, especially descriptions of sailing locations.

Goto my Homepage.

Note that the information on this page and other connected pages on this site is provided by me in a personal capacity. Although they are happy for me to use their resources for this purpose, there is no connection implied or otherwise to VMARK Software Ltd.