Welcome to the American Institute of Physics HomePage.
What's new and different on this server? --
Including "QuickLinks" to the latest information on current physical
science events.
What is AIP?
The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a not-for-profit membership corporation chartered in New York State in 1931 for the purpose of promoting the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge
of physics and its application to human welfare.
AIP Publications
AIP is a primary publisher of physics information. AIP edits, composes,
produces, markets, and distributes eight archival journals that it owns,
as well as derivative products; produces journals for Member and Affiliated
Societies; translates and publishes English editions of Russian-language
journals; and publishes magazines and books.
AIP Press
(Bestsellers, Hot Titles, and Ordering Information)
Archival Journals
Translations Program
Physics Today
(with an Issue Preview, the PT Conference Calendar, and the
1994 AIP Annual Report)
Computers in Physics
(featuring the New Products Database
and Issue Preview)
Publishing Services
Author Services
(Compuscript Program, Journal Production, PACS Scheme,
40th MMM Call for Papers)
Publishing Services
(Typesetting, Copyediting, Marketing & Distribution)
Online Products and Services
AIP offers a suite of online services that maximizes the resource-sharing
potential of the global Internet, including AIP's first online journal --
APL Online, a complete, searchable, hypertext version of the printed
journal Applied Physics Letters -- and PINET, the network designed
to work for the physical science community.
Applied Physics Letters Online --
featuring a downloadable demo version.
PINET - The Physics
Information Network -- you can subscribe
online (if your browser supports forms).
Electronic Newsletters (FYI, Physics News
Update, PEN, Center for History of Physics Newsletter)
The AIP Gopher Server
The AIP FTP Server
Electronic Products
AIP offers diversified products that implement new and exciting
electronic publishing technologies, running the gamut from
software designed for physics educators to CD-ROMs and the
SPIN bibliographic database.
Bibliographic Database
Physics Academic Software
Journal of
Chemical Physics CD-ROM Available July 1995
Physics Programs Branch
AIP reaches out to its Member Societies and their Members through an
array of supportive "Physics Programs," including
the Division of Career Planning and Placement, which serves as a
matchmaker between employers and physicists seeking employment. Also
clustered under the Physics Programs "service umbrella" is the
Center for History of
Physics, which helps preserve and make known the history of physics
and allied sciences through services including its Niels Bohr Library
and Emilio Segrè Visual Archives.
AIP's Online Career Planning and Placement Service
features job listings
(login: aipjobs, password: aipjobs) that are updated
regularly (note that your browser must be configured to
use a telnet "helper application").
The Physics
Careers Bulletin Board affords students an opportunity
to pose questions to physicists about careers in the physical
sciences (Current Installment: June 1995).
Access the Fall 1994 Center
for History of Physics Newsletter.
Links to Other Societies and WWW Resources
Links to AIP Member
Societies, Physical Science Resources, and Other Information.
Search the WWW.
Comments regarding our HomePage are welcome.
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visitors -- including you -- have accessed this
HomePage since 2/23/95 (follow this link for more stats)!
© 1995
American Institute of Physics