Venus - Magellan Image Data

Online access to the full set of Magellan images (specifically the MIDRs) that have been published on CD-ROM by NASA is available through this page. Your web browser must be capable of reading forms in order to use this. (Please click on the highlighted words below if you need help.)

The above map is available in other sizes as well: small (46K) | large (409K)
To see a close-up of an area on the above image of Venus, click on that area or provide a latitude and longitude below.

Please select one of the following data types:

F-MIDR (5° x 5°) C1-MIDR (15° x 15°)
C2-MIDR (45° x 45°) C3-MIDR (120° x 80°)

Please select a cycle:

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

You may either enter latitude and longitude coordinates below and click on the "Submit Query" button, or click on an area in the above image.

Latitude: Longitude:

To reset the form, press this button:

All data has been classified as GTDA by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
This browser is a joint project of the Interactive Planetary Atlas and the PDS Imaging Node. (Much of the original work on this image browser was done by Myche McAuley and Paul Andres at JPL.)

Web Page Curator: Elizabeth Duxbury.
Last modified April 6, 1995.