Department of Astronomy

Welcome to the NMSU Astronomy Home Page. We hope you will find some useful information here. Our intentions are to use this server to give information on the Department's people, facilities, research activities, and educational programs. Feel free to send comments or suggestions to the address below.


Now available: lots of spiffy images of the recent collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter! We have images from all over the world, including some by astronomers at NMSU. We also have explanatory notes and links to other sites with more information.

Department Personnel

We have available the current list of all NMSU Astronomy Department personnel. This page contains links to personal information on our faculty, staff, and students.

Department Facilities

NMSU is a member of the Astrophysical Research Consortium, which has built a new world-class 3.5-meter telescope at Apache Point Observatory. In the final stages of alignment is the NMSU 1 meter telescope.

The Spring 1995 schedule of our weekly collquium series is available on this server as well as the schedule for our Astronomy 500 weekly seminar and our popular "Pizza Lunch" series.

You can access our anonymous ftp area through this HTTP server.

We keep track of the usage statistics of our WWW server using wusage.

Areas of Research in Astronomy

We have online an HTML version of our 1993 Annual Report to the AAS. It contains information about all aspects of departmental research activity for 1993. The 1994 report will soon be available.

Graduate School at New Mexico State University

We have an HTML version of our astronomy graduate school brochure, complete with inlined images of some of our facilities. In the near future application materials will be available here.

Other Astronomy Information Resources

The US Geological Survey has a Web page listing many Internet resources for astronomy-related information.

The Space Telescope Science Institute also has a page of astronomical Internet resources.

A good jump-off point for informaton on observatories, surveys, abstracts and much more is located in the astronomy and astrophysics portion of the World-Wide Web Virtual Library

Other Web Resources

The NMSU Computing and Networking Technology Organization operates a WWW-based Campus Information System, offering electronic versions of software documentation supported by CANTO as well as links to other local information servers.

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