Current Weather Maps/Movies

Detailed information is available for each item on this page. Just select the link that is the name of the item. All GIF images, excepting the surface map, are converted into JPEG's here, for those on slower links. None of this would be possible without the base images provided from around the world, and I wish to give a *BIG* thanks to these guys for providing such an excellent service! Thanks Guys!

It is currently 47 degrees in East Lansing, with a relative humidity of 74%. Here are the current weather conditions and forecast for Lansing Michigan.

Here is the current National Weather Summary.

Movie Times: 3:15am  6:15am  9:15am  12:15pm  

             3:15pm  6:15pm  9:15pm  12:15am

It's currently 05:28AM

Current 6 Panel Items:
United States IR/Radar Composite Items:
GOES-8 Items:
Meteosat Atlantic Images: (updated daily)
North Africa/Europe Infrared Items:
High-Resolution Europe Items: (updated daily)
High-Resolution Africa Items: (updated daily)
GMS-4 Infrared Items:
GMS-4 Visible Items:
WorldWide IR Composite: (updated every 3 hours)

The World-wide Composite is an infrared composite of the GOES, METEOSAT, and GMS satellites remapped into a Mollweide projection.

Antarctica Infrared Composite Items: (updated every 3 hours)

The IR data from 6 satellites is composited over an area centered on the south pole to produce this image.

United States Surface Map Items:

Note: If you are on a slow link, or just dont want to see inlined images, this page is available with text only.


Current Weather Maps/Movies, Charles Henrich