ShareViews Video Tutor - New Video:
Video: "Introduction to the Internet"
VHS (1hr 50min) US $26.95 + Shipping
Finally, an easier way to learn,
or teach others about the Internet.
This practical no-frills video guide shows just about every tool and
function of the Internet and explains how to use them in plain language.
Used by schools, libraries, computer clubs, government and company training
departments and seniors groups (good with a video projector for groups).
See various Internet sites using both the Windows Terminal program and the
more powerful direct/SLIP shareware programs like Mosaic, Eudora and WSFTP.
Includes easy explanations of Internet concepts like addresses, mailing lists,
newsgroups, URL's and gives user tips to avoid problems with email, IRC and
alt newsgroups.
Outline (1hr 50min) - can view one section at a time
- Internet Background - what is it and why all the hype?
- Getting Connected - Windows Terminal and shareware programs
- Getting Information - Gopher, Hytelnet, Freenets, Wais, Mosaic etc.
- Communicating - email Pine/Eudora, Mailing Lists, Usenet, IRC
- Getting Files - UNIX FTP, Windows FTP, Archie, decompression
- Installing Software - installing Trumpet WinSock, Eudora, scripts
For more information, or our customer reviews, send us an email message.
Ordering Information:
Introduction to the Internet (1hr 50min)
is not available yet in other Europe/World formats (PAL, SECAM etc)
Price (US funds):
Just $26.95 anywhere in the World plus shipping charges:
Shipping Charges by mail:
- Customers in United States add $5 shipping
- Outside North America add $10 shipping
- Canada send email for price and tax information
Ordering is easy:
3 Easy ways to Order anywhere in the world:
- Send a US cheque or money order to the address below
- Send an email message asking us to mail your video today
- Send school or company purchase order by email or regular mail
Send a US cheque/money order, or purchase order to:
ShareViews Video Tutor
Box 20193, 3310 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3K 2E6 (postal code)
Voice:(204)837-2639 mornings
E-mail ShareViews@MBnet.MB.CA
"I greatly appreciate all my current customers and thank you for taking time to
read about my new video. Enjoy your travels on the Internet."
Don Bayomi, producer/owner