Penn Newman

Founded in 1893 by Timothy Harrington, Penn's is the First Newman Club in North America!


Penn Newman Council
John Henry Cardinal Newman
Penn Newman Library
Newman/Catholic Centers from around the US
Links of Interest
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Penn Newman Council

1995-1996 Newman Council (Who's Who of Penn Newman)
Penn Newman in the News
Council Minutes (Fall 94)
Newman Charter

John Henry Cardinal Newman

Who is John Henry Cardinal Newman?
Chief Dates in Cardinal Newman's Life
Newman Quotes
History of the Newman Movement
Tractarianism/Oxford Movement
Writings of John Henry Cardinal Newman
John Henry Cardinal Newman Award
Prayer for the canonization of Newman
Newman Gallery

Penn Newman Library

Sr. Mary Scullion President of Project HOME presents an essay on poverty and Christianity
Relevant Chain Mail
Chesterton's Orthodoxy
Bible Gateway German and English
Wiretap Religion: religious books
Wiretap Religion: articles

Other Newman Clubs

Other Links of Catholic/Religious Interest


The Louvre
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Some Cool Profs at Penn!
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