Web Puzzler

After selecting an image, you will be shown the puzzle. Try to solve the puzzle by rearranging the pieces. Switch any two pieces by selecting the corresponding buttons below the image. Only the first two pieces (from top-down and left-to-right) are used; more than two buttons are ignored. Click on the puzzle itself to see the completed image.

A friend pointed out that the Web Puzzler was the Cool Site of the Day for some day in mid-December. Unfortunately, I didn't catch the exact day.

Choose an Image:

I've written another web game, MasterWeb,which you can try.
You can now play Web Puzzler III in which both the front and back of the puzzle have images.
I've also compiled a small list of some other interactive web sites .

A big list of other interactive web games is also found at Yahoo .

Last updated: Monday 03 Apr 95
If you find this page interesting, have comments, suggestions, or other thoughts, please email Brian Casey at casey@dragon.aoc.nrao.edu.