About the EnviroLink Network

The EnviroLink Network is the largest on-line environmental information service on the planet, reaching well over 550,000 people in 98 countries. (this number grows daily) All services provided by the EnviroLink Network are FREE to the user and are available for anyone that wishes to use them.

Services available from the EnviroLink Network

The EnviroFreenet--- telnet://envirolink.org:23
The EnviroFreenet is a full-access Internet site, just for environmentally- conscious people. Registered users receive access to: E-Mail, UseNet News, Environmental B-Boards, Gopher, FTP, Virtual Conferences, and many more useful services. E-Mail accounts are free, so when you log in, just hit the return key twice and then choose "Create a New Account"

The EnviroGopher--- gopher://envirolink.org
The EnviroGopher is complete electronic clearinghouse for all of the environmental information available on the Internet. Find info on environmental organizations, issues, publications, networks, etc.

The EnviroWeb--- http://envirolink.org
The EnviroWeb is the EnviroLink Network's World Wide Web server. You are within the EnviroWeb right now.

The EnviroNews and Information Service (a sample)
The EnviroNews and Information Service is a free environmental news service that sends the latest environmental news and information right to your e-mail account! To subscribe to the EnviroNews and Info Service, send mail to: listproc@envirolink.org with the text of the the message appearing as: subscribe environews

The EnviroChat--- telnet://envirolink.org:2000 NEW
The EnviroChat is a real-time chat forum for the discussion of environmental issues. This means that when User X types something, all others that are connected at that time can see what User X just typed. The EnviroChat allows for virtual conference calls, etc. If your organization would like to make specific use of this service for private purposes, please let us know.

FREE Dial-In Access is Here!

The EnviroLink Network is offering free dial-in access on a limited basis in over 50 cities in the United States. Please call our offices for more information and to see if you qualify to receive this free service.

If you or your organization do not meet our criteria for free dial-in access, then we will be more than happy to refer you to a locally-based company that can best serve your needs.

About Our Organization...

The EnviroLink Network was created in 1991 by Josh Knauer, then a freshman at Carnegie Mellon University. The network has grown from a simple mailing list of 20 student activists to become one of the world's largest environmental information clearinghouses.

At EnviroLink, we are committed to promoting an alternative sustainable society through the use of new communication technologies, in an effort to connect individuals and organizations. We recognize that the technologies that we utilize are just tools, and not the final answer to our societal communication problems.

The EnviroLink Network is a non-profit organization, run completely by volunteers. It is only through the generosity of our members that we are able to exist and maintain our level of service and quality.

If you are able to donate money, in-kind services, computer hardware or any other kind of help, please let us know by contacting us via one of the ways listed below:

The EnviroLink Network
Suite 236, Hamburg Hall
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 268-7187 > voice
(412) 268-7036 > fax