WWW Global Entomology ARServer
This is the April issue! Look for us in the cool new Web sites section of Wired magazine coming in May.
NOTE: This site is engineered specifically for the Netscape v.1.0 WWW client.
View the server statistics page updated daily at midnight MST by Webstat 2.3.4.
- A permanent change is taking place in the Sonoran desert of our state!
- Arizona AHB Education Project program coordinator Janet Mitchell outlines critical information you need to know about Africanized honey bees.
What's Buzzzin'?
- Here's This Week's Inside Look At Research & News In Entomology
- Virgin Queen Mating Areas and Drone Congregation Areas (DCAs) by Gerald Loper.
- Travelogue--South of the Border Share some intimate moments with Stephen Buchmann as he ventures into the mysterious land of the Monarchs...
Beekeeping Industry
- Instructional Information About the Business of Beekeeping
- Mite Excreta: A new diagnostic tool for detecting Varroa mites!
- Temper, temper... Our researchers have devised a unique way of testing the temper of your bees.
Hurry--And don't forget your apple!
- Presenting the GEARS Internet Classroom
- You don't have to be a kid to enjoy what's inside!
- Adult/Higher Eduational Topics
- Why is that bee giving me the "rasberry?" Learn all about the process of buzz pollination. Now featuring wing-beat and buzz sound bites and cool new photos!
- The swarm stops here! A guide to understanding all about the natural process of separation and relocation specific to bees.
- K-12 Educational Topics
- Just what are bees, anyway? Read about why they are so important to humans and the earth.
- Bees and blossoms. Learn about cross-pollination and how bees and apple trees work together.
- "Tribeeal Pursuits"
- A monthly updated list of fun and amazing facts about honey bees!
- CHBRC's Updated Public Domain Software Archive!
- This is our latest archive of simulation software for use in the laboratory as well as the field! Some of our newest products are the parasitoid-host and crop loss assessment model Biocontrol-Parasite and the apple pollination and fruit-set prediction model PC-Redapol.
- From the Western Cotton Research Lab...
- Information about the biological control of insects and the scientific crew here at Carl Hayden Bee Research Center.
- Check out our monthly feature page of bee behavior and instructional movies!
- Featuring the natural and not-so-common behavior of bees and other flying insects in the Sonoran Desert environment of Tucson.
You can also check out our movie file index and archive.
- Our "best of the month" collection of 35mm photographs and rendered art!
- Featuring bees and flowers along with a selected set of downloadable bee-related clip art.
You can also check out our image file index and archives of original and rendered works of art.
- Our finest collection of downloadable insect sound files!
- Featuring bees and other insects in various file formats including AIFF, AU and QuickTime. Also includes a selected set of soundbytes.
You can also check out our sound file index and archive.
Internet Library/File Archives
Our on-line library includes a collection of all publications, interpretive summaries, and research notes by lab scientists. Most texts are available via hotlinks within each index. Most items are downloadable in various formats.
GEARS was first available on-line at 12:00 MST WED FEB 01 1995.
Last updated: FRI MAR 31 1995.
The Global Entomology ARServer is serviced by Mark Templin and Dr. Stephen Buchmann at
NOTE: Server Hours of Operation--
GEARS Connections will be denied 1445 to 1700 hours Mountain Standard Time
on every friday for system disk backup and maintenence procedures.
Thank you for visiting!
GEARS is maintained by USDA/ARS. This server reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation for its use by USDA.