Welcome to Greetings Expressed -- your Internet stationery store. Now, without leaving your computer, you can select a greeting card, personalize it, and we will mail it on the appropriate date.

You can buy last-minute cards and we'll mail them the next day. Or, you can order cards months in advance, and we'll remember to mail them for you (and we'll email a reminder when we send your card). Payment is easy - we accept American Express, MasterCard, or Visa, and secure when using Netscape browsers.

We offer "real" brand-name quality greeting cards, the same cards you find in your local stationery store. And, our selection of cards is updated frequently. You'll even find holiday cards.

Best of all, you can fill out the card just the way you want it, even adding a note to the inside cover.

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Customer Service ... for Customer Service info, feedback, and store policies.

Copyright 1995 Greetings Expressed, Inc and Realtime Bit Works, Inc.
ShopTrak(tm) System by Realtime Bit Works, Inc.